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Call for Articles (Vol. 33, January 2008)
Special Theme:
Thus Spoke the Image: Interpretation of Moving and Still Images
Since 2007, National Central University Journal of Humanities has been re-oriented as an “interdisciplinary, intercultural” scholarly journal. National Central University Journal of Humanities is a published quarterly and welcomes articles related both to the chosen topic for each issue and other areas of critical interest. The journal also accepts review articles of published scholarly works. Manuscripts can be in Chinese, English, or French.

Our forthcoming issue scheduled for January of 2008, “Thus Spoke the Image”, is intended to fulfill this goal, and welcomes both contributions that especially deal with interdisciplinary elements as their problematic and those which could encourage a cross-disciplinary dialogue with other essays.

The still and the moving images, although being entrusted with the functions of “objective reality” and “documentary evidence”, can also be invested with particularized significations, narrated from a subjective viewpoint or mediated by theoretical discourses; they, in short, require interpretation.

This issue, “Thus Spoke the Image”, welcomes essays informed by a variety of hermeneutical and theoretical perspectives, discussing images from different genres, periods or regions and looks forward to all reflections about theories.
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