
 Exact analysis of lattice models and its applications to material science


M.-C. Wu and C.-K. Hu, Exact partition functions of the Ising model on MxN planar lattices with periodic- aperiodic boundary conditions, J. Phys. A 35, 5189-5206 (2002). PDF
(The first rigorous derivation of the exact partition functions for MxN planar lattices, including square, plane triangular and honeycomb lattices, with periodic-aperiodic boundary conditions.)



M.-C. Wu, C.-K. Hu, and N. Sh. Izmailian, Universal finite-size scaling functions with exact non-universal metric factors, Phys. Rev. E 67, 065103(R) (2003). PDF
The first analytic results demonstrating the universal finite-size scaling functions for the Ising model on planar lattices.)



M.-C. Wu, Exact finite-size scaling functions for the interfacial tensions of the Ising model on planar lattices, Phys. Rev. E 73, 046135 (2006). PDF
An analytical study of interfacial tensions showing the amplitude of interfacial tension has a universal expression with a proportional factor related to different lattices to have a similar domain for all isotropic Ising lattices in an infinite-long strip geometry.)



M.-C. Wu, C.-L. Li, C.-K. Hu, Y.-C. Chang, Y.-H. Liaw, L.-W. Huang, C.-S. Chang, T.-T. Tsong, and T. Hsu, Curvature effect on the surface diffusion of silver adatoms on carbon nanotubes: Deposition experiments and numerical simulations, Phys. Rev. B 74, 125424 (2006). PDF
The first work deriving the curvature effect on the surface diffusion of adatoms on carbon nanotubes.)




 Statistical analyses of physiological and financial time series


M.-C. Wu and C.-K. Hu, Empirical mode decomposition and synchrogram approach to cardiorespiratory synchronization, Phys. Rev. E 73, 051917 (2006). PDF

(A rigorous examination of the caridorespiratory synchronization by using an adaptive approach for nonlinear and nonstationary time series.)



M.-C. Wu, M.-C. Huang, H.-C. Yu, and T.C. Chiang, Phase distribution and phase correlation of financial time series, Phys. Rev. E 73, 016118 (2006). PDF

(We developed a new approach based on the concept of instantaneous phase to study stock time series.)



M.-C. Wu, Phase correlation of foreign exchange time series, Physica A 375, 633-642 (2007). PDF

(We discovered scale-dependent correlations in foreign exchange time series.)



M.-C. Wu, E. Watanabe, Z. R. Struzik, C.-K. Hu, and Y. Yamamoto, Phase statistics approach to human ventricular fibrillation, Phys. Rev. E 80, 051917 (2009). PDF

(We used the phase statistics approach to identify non-self-terminating ventricular fibrillation from ECG data.)



M.-C. Wu, Damped oscillations in the ratios of stock market indices, EPL 97, 48009 (2012). PDF

(We discovered a new regularity in stock market indices.)




 Statistical properties of biological molecules


M.-C. Wu, M. S. Li, W.-J. Ma, M. Kouza, and C.-K. Hu, Universal geometrical factor of protein conformations as a consequence of energy minimization, EPL 96, 68005 (2011). PDF
We discovered a new geometric constraint for the tertiary structures of native proteins.)



M.-C. Wu, J. G. Forbes, and K. Wang, Correlated vibrations in ion-pair dynamics in mechanoactivation identify functional domains of force-dependent titin kinase, Soft Matter 9, 9897-9906 (2013). PDF
We developed new ways of extracting physical insights from data set of structural features in the trajectory of unfolding pathways.)



M.-C. Wu and T. Y. Tsong, Local hydrophobicity in protein secondary structure formation, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 82, 114801 (2013). PDF
We investigated the effect of local hydrophobicity in protein secondary structure formation, and proposed a method to estimate variations of secondary structure content in mutants from changes in local hydrophobicity with respect to wild-type proteins.)



M.-C. Wu, J. G. Forbes, and K. Wang, Disorder profile of nebulin encodes a vernierlike position sensor for the sliding thin and thick filaments of the skeletal muscle sarcomere, Phys. Rev. E 93, 062406 (2016). PDF
We proposed a vernierlike model of position sensing for the sliding thin and thick filaments of the skeletal muscle sarcomere.)