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Academic Staff

Dr. Yao-Tien Tseng

Dr. Yao-Tien (Hugh) Tseng

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Tel: +886-3-4227151 Ext 34214

Email: ytt0025@ncu.edu.tw

Office: Room E-205, Engineering Building 1

Education / Experience

Research Interests

Electrocatalytic Water Splitting Materials,

Hydrogen Storage Materials,

Carbon-based Thermal Management Materials

Lab Website

Visit Lab Website

Research Background

Electrochemical additive manufacturing,

Solid Hydrogen storage technology,

Micro and nano electroplating,

Electrochemistry for material science,

Corrosion and corrosion prevention,

Physical and chemistry for materials science

Research Projects Conducted

Effect of Ni-Pd co-doping and the optimization of the etching process on the hydrogen storage properties of porous silicon materials(NSTC)

Highly conductive carbon-based thin films/hydrogen storage alloy composite electrodes for lightweight Ni/MH thin-film batteries(NSTC)

High Performance Hydrogen Storage Alloys for Small Grid and Remote Area Power Supply Applications(NSTC)

Study on the Zn-Ni/MoS2 composite electrode by micro-electroplating and its catalytic activity of HER(NSTC)

Study on the manufacturing of nickel-cobalt-iron alloy micropillars by micro anode guiled electroplating and their oxygen evolution reaction in water electrolysis(NSTC)

On the fabrication of amorphous Ni-based ternary alloys (Ni-Cr-Zn, Ni-Mo-Zn and Ni-W-Zn) and their electrochemical behaviors(NSTC)

Highly Active Ni-Based Alloying Pillars Fabricated by Localized Electrodeposition for Use in Water Electrolysis(NSTC)

Electrochemical Additive Manufacturing and Application of Nanocrystalline Magnetic Probes(NSTC)

Study on electrochemical fabrication (plating and micro-electroplating) and comparison of thin-film and micro-helix structures of Cu-based Shape Memory Alloys(NSTC)

On the electrochemical fabrication of 3-dimensional metal-(& alloy-) microstructures coated with functional nano oxides(NSTC)

SELECTED SCI Publications