CE6143 - Introduction to Data Science (Fall 2021)

Lecture language: English

Final project presentation slides

Group Title Slides
1 PM2.5 Prediction Based on Transformer PDF
2 Text Localization and Recognition on Complex Street View PPTX
3 How to Recognize Fake Accounts on Instagram? PPTX
4 Auto Regression Forecast Model for Electricity Production PPTX
5 (Dropped)
6 Shuttlecocks Checker -- a Case Study on Classification Using CNN Model PPTX
7 Image Colorization and De-noising PPTX
8 Compare Various Classification Algorithms Using MNIST PPTX
9 Pothole Detection PPTX
10 AI in Medical Imaging PPTX
11 Stock Prediction System PPTX
12 Recognizing the Printed and Handwritten Numbers on the Steel Billet PPTX
13 Automatic Detection of Firearm in Surveillance Camera PPTX
14 Genre Classification of IMDb PPTX
15 Gesture Recognition Using mmWave Sensors PPTX
16 (Dropped)
17 Wine Quality DataSet -- Predict Wine Quality PDF
18 Continuous Sign Language Recognition PPTX


Meeting time


Recommended textbooks




Progress (subject to change)

19/141. Overview of the course
39/281. Introduction to ML
2. KNN
3. k-means
Exercise 1 (due: 10/4 23:59:59)
410/51. Distance measures
2. Entropy
3. Decision tree
510/121. Decision tree
2. Matrix derivatives
Exercise 2 (due: 10/25 23:59:59)
610/19Linear regression and regularization (Lasso, Ridge, Elastic-net)
TA session: Introduction to Python and popular scientific libraries in Python
710/261. Logistic regression and gradient ascent
2. Precision, recall, ROC curve, PR cure, and other measures
811/21. Evaluation metrics for classification
2. SVM
Exercise 3 (due: 11/22 23:59:59)
911/9Midterm project proposal presentation
1011/161. Regularized linear regression and classification
2. Linear SVM with poly-2 terms vs Polynomial Kernel SVM
1111/231. Practical considerations
2. Recommender systems
1211/301. Recommender systems
2. Differentiating regularization weight
3. Factorization Machine and Field-aware Factorization Machine
4. Learning to rank
1312/71. Learning to rank
2. Deep neural network
Exercise 4 (due: 12/20 23:59:59)
1412/14Convolutional neural network
1512/211. Associated Learning
2. Recurrent neural network
1612/281. Attention model
2. Word embedding and graph embedding
171/4Final project presentation
181/12Final wrap-upFinal project report (due: 1/11 23:59:59)