「食人之界-梁廷毓 個展」
展期:112年3月14日(二) ~4月29日(六)

地 點:中央大學藝文中心展覽室

梁廷毓,藝術創作者,國立臺北藝術大學藝術跨領域研究所碩士。研究及創作聚焦於 計畫型藝術、鬼魅論述的方法學、問題性形構和相 關論題的研發與實踐,亦關注晚近歷史轉型正義、非人轉向趨勢中的泛靈論與原住民歷史書寫之問 題。主要匯合跨學科的地方研究,以計畫性的藝術行動、複合媒體,並以動態影像集、製圖、書寫的方式,進行現階段的藝術計畫。創作研究則以研討會、工作坊、文論的形式發表於文化研究、歷史學、人類學等相關領域之學刊與討論場合。

Liang Ting-Yu is a graduate of the Graduate Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts at the National Taipei University of the Arts. His research and artistic creation focus on the methodology and the problematic formation of project-based art and ghostly discourse, the development and practice of related topics, as well as on the issues of transitional justice, animism in the trend of the tradition to the ‘non-human’ in contemporary history and the writing of indigenous history. His current project mainly focuses on the integration of interdisciplinary local studies in the forms of project-based art actions and mixed media, collections of moving images, research and inspection of death, spiritual encounters, mapping and writing. Liang’s research is published in seminars, workshops and essays in journals and discussion forums in cultural studies, history, anthropology and other related fields.
