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[公告] 反詐騙宣導

發佈日期:2024/05/09  |  資料來源:國立中央大學材料科學與工程研究所










Dear students, be cautious and vigilant! The school cares about you!


Lately, there have been unscrupulous individuals contacting students through various means, attempting to engage in lending, fraud, and other illicit activities. Unfortunately, some of our fellow students have fallen victim to these schemes. To prevent other students from falling into the same traps, please pay attention to the following:

Travel in Pairs: When going out, try to move in pairs and look out for each other.

Stay Calm and Alert: If approached by a stranger or asked for help, remain calm and avoid trusting them too easily.

Report to the School: If you or any of your peers become victims of fraud, immediately contact the school. We are here to assist you and provide support.

Anti-Fraud Hotlines at the school:

Phone: 03-4217151-57212、0919949630

Anti-Fraud Hotline: 165

Let’s all stay vigilant and work together to maintain safety and harmony on campus. If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to the school—we are here to serve you wholeheartedly!