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Call for Articles (Vol. 38, April 2009)

Special Issue: Postmodern Myth: Individuality vs. Subjectivity

After three hundred years of modernization, the west has been proclaimed as having developed into the new era of postmodern. It signified another great change in human society. In contrast to the emphasis of rationality or subjectivity of modernization, this new era seems to uphold individuality, including the relentless pursue of individual freedom, self-determination, and refuses to be subjected by the values of the nation or society. It sometimes acts quite remarkably irrational and heralds that everything goes! It comes close to extreme irrational, irresponsible and radical liberal individualism. Is postmodern a new mileage of human development? A new era? A brave new world after the industrial society? The present reality of human society? Or, a reaction of the conservatives? A fabricated artifact? An icon? A self contradictory concept? A choice between individuality and subjectivity? However, it raises much heated debates in history, architecture, arts, socio-economics, culture, philosophy, etc. And much heat is still generating. We welcome articles and discourses from different discipline or inter-disciplinary investigations, especially those inter-regional, inter-cultural, as well as cross boundary postmodern discussions. We may be able to shed new light upon human future and possibly provide active construction or deconstruction of human society.

Please send submissions by post or email to JH@ncu.edu.tw, no later than August 31, 2008. .
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