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Call for Articles (Vol. 40, October 2009)


Main Theme: Closing the Gap and Rectification


The nature of scholarship implies process rather than closure. The October special issue on “Closing the Gap and Rectification” aims to highlight the necessity of using past achievement as a basis for later development and addition, and the inevitability of revision and rectification of previous mistakes and dated arguments. Only by means of closing the gap and revising can a next generation of new ideas announce themselves. The effort at closing the gap or rectification is less an attempt at finding faults with views of early scholars or an impass-ioned attack or even antics aimed at courting attention. It should be looked upon as scholarly work done in the spirit of dedication and reflection so that the same spirit and result can be passed on and be expanded upon.

We consider attempts at unearthing unknown or obscure facets of ancient and modern works, the study of excavated texts, the re-reading of classical works, the clarification and elucidation of intellectual currents past and modern, the tracing of linguistic and cultural origins, the exploration of audio amd visual works of art, as part and parcel of the areacovered by the forthcoming issue. Therefore, we welcome contributions which examine time-honored scholarship on all facets of the humanities from a fresh and well-thought-out perspective.

In July of 2009, National Central University Humanities Journal celebrates its second year after the first major revamping. Since July of 2007, eightissues have come out and the importance of re-examining and a new outlook fits all the more the concerns of the coming issue.

Please send submissions by post or email to JH@ncu.edu.tw, no later than July 1, 2009.

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