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Call for Articles (Vol. 43, July 2010)


Main Theme: The Center and the Periphery


The perennial opposition between the center and the periphery is in existence from time immemorial. It defines the relationship between ancient China and the neighboring races, the motherland and her offspring, and the empire and the colony. It also underlines the connections among races, groups and describes the interaction between the majority and the minority. We can even find traces of the opposition with regard to the intellectual centrality in relation to the marginalized form of knowledge. Complex relationships of domination, subordination and reaction motivate the negotiation between the center and the periphery. A reversal may mean the periphery can become the center of power and of economy. A marginal community or thought could gain ascendency because of an opportune convergence of will and power, or because of the emergence of a new paradigm. With the arrival of a new center, identities and cultural formations will be forged anew. This issue intends to focus on the theme of “the center and the periphery” and we welcome submissions on the theme from historical, literary, philosophical, political perspectives and other related fields.

Please send submissions by post or email to JH@ncu.edu.tw, no later than February 20, 2010.
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