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Call for Articles (Vol. 44, October 2010)


Main Theme: Humanities in Ming-Ching Period


Studies in Ming-Ching period is a hot topic for scholars throughout the world. There are three main reasons. First, the immediacy of this period to us since it covers the last six hundred years including the latest three hundred years of Ching Dynasty ruled by a foreign race. Second, the culture and society of this period has its own characteristics represented in literature, history, philosophy as well as politics, economics and social structures. These are good topics worthy scholarly research. Third, relative to the traditional periods such as pre-Chin, Han-Wei, Sui-Tang, Sung-Yuan which have had culminated very rich research results, Ming-Ching Period still has a vase area and plenty topics for further development. It is usually divided into three main stages of the Ming, the transitional period of Ming and Ching, and the Ching Dynasty. The regions cover different provinces of the mainland as well as Taiwan. The type of research includes scholars, writings and academic histories and others. There are also many outstanding overseas works and studies. Formerly, research seems to lay more emphasis on specific scholars, and now, more on interdisciplinary dialogues and integrations. We welcome submissions from different and interdisciplinary studies such as history, literature, philosophy, arts, as well as psychology, religion, politics, economics, education and social research, so as to provide a fruitful dialogue and exchange between the disciplines.

Please send submissions by post or email to JH@ncu.edu.tw, no later than July 31, 2010.
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