- Can Death Be a Harm to the Person Who Dies? London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
- Sustainability and Quality of Life. (ed.) Palo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2010. (Philosopher's Index)
- (with Tandy, Charles) Death and Anti-Death, Vol. 10: Ten Years After John Rawls (1921-2002) (eds.), Polo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2012. (Philosopher’s Index)
- “Commentary on Lamont's When Death Harms Its Victims.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (1999): 349-357. (A&HCI / Philosopher's Index)
- <龜兔賽跑>,<<獨者:台灣基督徒思想論刊>>,第4期(2003),頁 179-183。
- “When Is One Harmed By One's Own Death?” in Charles Tandy, ed. Death and Anti-Death, vol. 1: One Hundred Years After N. F. Fedorov (1829-1903) (Polo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2003). (Philosopher's Index)
- “Death, Harm, and the Deprivation Theory.” in Charles Tandy, ed. Death and Anti-Death, vol. 2: Two Hundred Years After Kant, Fifty Years After Turing (Polo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2004). (Philosopher's Index)
- “What Is Left After Death?” in Charles Tandy, ed. Death and Anti-Death, vol. 3: Fifty Years After Einstein, One Hundred Fifty Years After Kierkegaard (Polo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2005). (Philosopher's Index)
- “Is the Yellow Ball Green?” Sorites 19 (2007): 87-91. (Philosopher's Index)
- “Are All Animals Equal?”,<<台灣人文生態研究>>,第十卷第一期(2008),頁73-87。
- “How Should Animals Be Treated?” Ethics, Place and Environment 11, No. 2 (2008): 181-189. (Philosopher's Index)
- <莊子死亡觀評論>,<<新竹教育大學人文社會學 報>>,第2期(2008),頁3-14。
- “Prenatal Nonexistence.” in Charles Tandy, ed. Death and Anti-Death, vol. 7: Nine Hundred Years After St. Anselm (1033-1109) (Polo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2009). (Philosopher's Index)
- <Regan and Intrinsic Value>,<<應用倫理評論>>,第47期(2009),頁43-54。
- <身後傷害可能性之探討>,<<應用倫理評論>>,第48期(2010),頁1-22。
- <死亡、傷害與第三人稱觀點──回應>,<<應用倫理評論>>,第48期(2010),頁47-57。
- “Intrinsic Value and Respect for the Natural Environment.” in Jack Lee, ed. Sustainability and Quality of Life
(Palo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2010). (Philosopher's Index)
- “Can One Be Harmed Posthumously?” in Charles Tandy, ed. Death and Anti-Death, vol. 8: Fifty Years After Albert Camus (1913-1960) (Polo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2010). (Philosopher's Index)
- <Singer動物解放倫理學批判研究>,<<應用倫理評論>>,第51期(2011),頁19-34。
- <寵物對人類健康所可能帶來的正面影響──兼論寵物飼養的道德爭議>,<<應用倫理評論>>,第52期(2012),頁203-218。
- “Who Is the Subject of the Evil of Death?” in Charles Tandy and Jack Lee, eds. Death and Anti-Death, Vol. 10: Ten Years After John Rawls (1921-2002) (Polo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2012). (Philosopher’s Index)
- <Regan 與動物權>,<<應用倫理評論>>,第56期(2014),頁1-7。
- <人類與動物平等關係初探─以辛格之動物解放倫理學為例>,中國社會科學院社會學研究所(編),<<公平與發展>>,北京:社會科學文獻出版社(2017),頁113-124。
- <道德對待動物之理由淺悉>,<<應用倫理評論>>,第66期(2019),頁1-14。
- (with Lin, EnChih) “On the Timing Issue.” in Charles Tandy, ed. Death and Anti-Death, Vol. 17: One Year After Mary Midgley, Twenty Years After Uris Murdoch) (Polo Alto, CA: Ria University Press, 2019). (Philosopher’s Index)
- Symposium with Dr. William Grey and Dr. Julian Lamont on “Epicurus and Death” in UNEQU conference at The University of Queensland, Australia on the 28th, 29th August, 1999.
- “The Epicurean Argument and the Harm of Death”,輔英技術學院人文學與社會科學學術研討會。高雄:輔英技術學院,2001。
- “When Does Death Harm Its Victim?”,台灣哲學學會2002年年會暨學術研討會。台北:台灣大學,2002。
- <死亡傷害與利益損害理論>,2003年全國關懷論文研討會。高雄:輔英科技大學,2003。
- “When Is a Person Harmed By His Own Death?”,中西哲學與文化傳承學術研討會。中壢:中央大學,2005。
- <人有絕對的自由嗎?>,第七屆倫理思想與道德關懷學術研討會。台北:淡江大 學,2006。
- “Are All Animals Equal?”,第八屆倫理思想與道德關懷學術研討會。台北:淡江大學,2007。
- “How Should Animals Be Treated?”,國際生態教育學術研討會及觀摩會。台北:淡江大學,2007。
- <莊子死亡哲學評 論>,2008年倫理思想與道德關懷學術研討會:生死的面對與超越。台北:淡江大學,2008。
- “Regan and Intrinsic Value”,國立中央大學永續發展與優質生活學術研討會。中壢:中央大學,2009。
- <寵物對人類健康所可能帶來的正面影響──兼論寵物飼養的道德爭議>,「兩岸三地華人社會幸福狀況的探討」學術研討會。中壢:中央大學,2012。
- <人類與動物平等關係初探─以辛格之動物解放倫理學為例>,兩岸三地人文社會科學論壇:公平與發展。北京:中國社會科學院,2014。