The 1st World Sinophone Drama Competition for Young Playwrights—Inspiring Younger Generation to Write
The 1st World Sinophone Drama Competition for Young Playwrights hosted by National Central University, co-hosted by School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, China, and organized by Performance Center and Research Center for Theatre and Performance Studies at National Central University, seeks to encourage production of new dramatic works of young playwrights.
Int'l Master’s Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, UST Hosted Student Orientation Party
Held at the library of National Tsing Hua University, the event welcomed 15 graduate students, who joined the program this autumn from Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia and Russia.
2015-10-01Academic News
The Youngest Brown Dwarfs Discovered by NCU Graduate Institute of Astronomy
PhD student Poshih Chiang and his supervisor Professor Wen-Ping Chen at the Graduate Institute of Astronomy of NCU reported the discovery of two cool, and youngest brown dwarfs known so far.
“Satoyama” Service Learning in Japan—the Harmony between Human and Nature
2015-07-31Academic News
Exploration in Jurassic World—Research into Serrated Teeth of Theropod Dinosaurs on Scientific Reports
Why were theropod dinosaurs so powerful and dominant in Jurassic Period? The researchers discovered that one of the reasons that made theropod dinosaurs the top of the food chain was the saw-like cutting edges on the side of their teeth. And the structure of these saw-like teeth resembled springs very much, rendering the teeth uneasy to crack. The findings were published in the internationally renowned journal Scientific Reports on 28th July, 2015.