NCU Satellite Image Calendar “Trace of Life”—A Witness of Our Land
“Trace of life” means the traces left by creatures’ biological activities on earth. The Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research of NCU makes the “Trace of Life” the central theme in the satellite image calendar of 2016.
International Arts Festival—Indian Festival “Diwali” on NCU Campus
NCU held Diwali, the Indian festival of lights, on campus in November. Indian students put on their traditional clothes, performed charmingly Indian dances and dramas. Students prayed for the bright future in peace and harmony.
Master Li Tian-Lu’s French Disciple Jean-Luc Penso Exhibits His Puppetry Collections in Taiwan
Jean-Luc Penso, the first French disciple of Taiwan’s national treasure puppeteer Tian-Lu Li, displayed his precious collections in the exhibition “Li Tien-Lu & Jean-Luc Penso: A Wondrous Taiwanese-Franco Rendezvous” at National Central University Art Center in November, 2015. His collections included western-faced puppets in his adapted Occidental legend l'Odyssée, performance posters, and photos taken in his days of learning puppetry.
Multi-Ethnic Culture Month of 2015—Exploring the Unique Cultures of Ethnics
Westide at NCU—Introducing Hippie Culture
The 42nd Westide hosted by the Department of English chose hippie culture as the main theme and hoped to have students and faculty experience once again the trend in the Sixties. Taiwanese students as well as international students participated actively.