Winner of the 2017 President Educational Award-Lee Tzu-chieh
Though having inherited rare disorders Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS), the NCU new graduate Lee Tzu-chieh fights bravely against the disorder with love and faith. She received the President Educational Award for the second time.
Taiwan and the U.S. in Collaboration Strengthen the Mercury Monitoring Network in the Asia Pacific Region
NCU hosted the Sixth Annual Asia Pacific Mercury Monitoring Network Partners Meeting and the 2017 Atmospheric Mercury Monitoring Training Workshop and held the opening ceremony on May 15, 2017.
National Intercollegiate Athletic Games of 2018 at NCU
National Intercollegiate Athletic Games (NIAG) of 2018 will start from April 28 to May 2 in 2018 on NCU campus. This is the second time that NCU hosts national athletic games in 30 years ever since the first NIAG event at NCU in 1988.
NCU Women’s Volleyball Team The Two-time Champion of University Volleyball League of 2017
NCU Women’s Volleyball Team participated in the University Volleyball League (UVL) of 2017. They successfully won the first place again and became the two-time champion.
Stay Simple to Express a Noble Aspiration: the RSC & AlChE Fellow—Prof. Chen Yu-wen
Professor Chen Yu-wen was honorably selected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).