2023-09-12Academic News
"Space Rubik's Cube" Plays Pivotal Role: NCU Team Successfully Deciphers Physical Mechanisms of Earthquake Precursors
Professor Liu Jann-Yenq and his team from the Center for Astronautical Physics and Engineering at National Central University have achieved a breakthrough in understanding the physical mechanisms of pre-earthquake phenomena by utilizing Formosa Satellite 5 (Formosat-5) and the advanced ionospheric probe (AIP), nicknamed the "Space Rubik's Cube." They successfully observed precursors associated with the 12 November 2017 M7.3 Iran and Iraq earthquake—both temporal and spatial anomalies in the ionosphere, and space weather—global signatures of ionospheric storms. This success unravels the mysteries behind the ionospheric precursors of earthquakes as well as the electric field. Their findings have been published in the latest issue of Surveys in Geophysics.
Passion Released and Development Diversified:Club Fair 2023 in Full Swing
The attendance at the Club Fair 2023 surpassed previous years, thriving amid the subsiding pandemic. Organized by the Division of Extracurricular Activities, this event aimed to showcase the results of various clubs' tireless efforts in their operations. Whether through static club booths or captivating stage performances, these results came from students' hard work. Balancing academic pursuits, students found opportunities to diversify their individual development, explore their interests, and enrich their university experiences.
Unleashing Leadership through Playing! NCU Club Training Camp Challenges Students
National Central University's Club Training Camp kicked off energetically on August 28 and 29, hosting nearly 80 newly appointed club leaders at the Taoyuan Youth Adventure Camps. Within two days of intense training, the activity aimed to unify the centrifugal force of student club executives. Through experiences that shape the mind, body, and spirit, the camp stimulated the club members' leadership potential and infused new vigor into campus life.
National Central University Partners with Delta’s EMEA Headquarters to Foster Global Talent Cultivation
With the collaboration of the Education Division of the Representative Office in the European Union and Belgium, National Central University officially signed a memorandum of cooperation with Delta’s EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) Headquarters on 31st August. This marks the initiation of the 2024 Overseas Professional Internship Program, aimed at enriching students' global perspectives and honing their professional skills. The program is scheduled to begin in February 2024, selecting outstanding students to participate on a six-month internship at Delta’s EMEA Headquarters located in Hoofddorp, the Netherlands.
2023-08-23Academic News
Taiwan Polar Institute's Role in the World: Confronting Challenges of Climate Change Together
Newly established by National Central University this year and supported by the Ministry of Education and the National Academy of Marine Research, the " Taiwan Polar Institute " at NCU marks a significant milestone. Led by Dean Hsu Shu-Kun of the College of Earth Sciences, the center actively seeks international collaborations. Its research team has ventured into Ny-Ålesund, one of the world's northernmost research bases, igniting sparks of international academic exchange. The center aims to integrate Taiwan's polar research into the global community and bolster Taiwan's influence in polar science.