IEET Accreditation
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IEET Accreditation
In order to fully demonstrate the functions and characteristics of the Material Science and Engineering Department at National Central University in cultivating talents in Taiwan's material science and technology, and thus enhance the domestic level of material science research, the educational objectives of the university, which are "cultivating diverse talents, pursuing academic excellence, and becoming a world-class university," and the educational objectives of the College of Engineering, which focus on "developing professional intelligence, research capabilities, and practical skills, cultivating specialized talents with planning, problem-solving abilities, and leadership skills," are followed in formulating the educational objectives of the department. The content is described as follows:
1. Provide professional knowledge and skills, and reinforce interdisciplinary learning. (professional)
2. Improve critical thinking and solving problems. (sustainable)
3. Foster group cohesiveness and communication. (gregarious)
4. Cultivate active behavior with professional ethics and social responsibility. (social)
5. Extend international viewpoints and establish differential values. (international)
6. Strengthen the education in energy-related materials and technologies. (distinguishing)
The department has been accredited by the Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET) for engineering and technology education, with accreditation valid until 114th year.