Study Regulation for Master
HomeProgramsStudy Regulation for Master
  1. Credit Requirements:
    • Students must complete at least 24 course credits (excluding Seminar and Monographic Study courses) to earn a master’s degree.
    • Students are required to pass at least two out of the following eight core courses: (1) Materials Thermodynamics, (2) Kinetic Process of Materials, (3) Advanced Physical Metallurgy, (4) X-ray Diffraction and Crystal Structure, (5) Materials Physics of Solids, (6) Physical Chemistry of Materials, (7) Electrochemistry of Materials, and (8) Mechanical Behavior of Materials.
    • Four semesters of Seminar and Monographic Study courses are mandatory for graduation.
  2. Thesis Advisor:
    • Upon admission, students should select a thesis advisor and gain approval from the Institute Affairs Committee. The thesis must be written under the guidance of the approved advisor.
  3. Degree Examination:
    • English proficiency is a prerequisite for applying for the degree examination.
    • The oral defense of the thesis must be conducted publicly, and the evaluation is based on the average grades given by the degree examination committee.
    • Students who fail the degree examination may retake it once, provided their maximum study period has not expired.
  4. Graduation Clearance:
    • After passing the degree examination, students must complete the graduation clearance process, which includes submitting a hard copy and an electronic file of the thesis and obtaining the thesis advisor’s approval.
The detailed and complete version of Study Regulations for Master’s Program of Graduate are displayed in the forms tab.