Study Regulation fro Ph.D
HomeProgramsStudy Regulation for Ph.D
  1. Thesis Advisor:
    • Selection: Students must select a thesis advisor within one year of enrollment. The advisor must be a faculty member of the Institute, and changes in advisors require re-approval and may delay graduation.
    • Responsibilities: The thesis advisor is responsible for guiding the student’s research and advising on course selection.
  2. Course Requirements:
    • Core Courses:Doctoral students must pass at least two of the eight core courses offered by the Institute, including subjects like Materials Thermodynamics and X-ray Diffraction.
    • Credits: Direct-entry doctoral students from the master’s program require a minimum of 36 course credits for graduation. Regular doctoral students must complete at least 18 course credits.
    • Seminar and Monographic Study: Students must pass four semesters of both Seminar and Monographic Study courses. Seminar courses may be substituted with English Seminar courses offered by the College of Engineering.
    • Credit Transfer: Credits earned through the intercollegiate course selection mechanism (including courses taken outside National Central University and used for credit waivers or transfers) cannot exceed one-third of the minimum number of course credits required for graduation. For further details, please refer to the forms provided.
  3. Qualification Examination:
    • Attempts: Students are allowed two attempts to pass the qualification exam. Failure to pass the exam twice will result in dismissal from the university.
    • Timing: The qualification exam must be passed within six semesters of enrollment. Extensions may be granted if a thesis advisor is changed.
    • For further details, please refer to the forms provided.
  4. Degree Examination:
    • Eligibility: To apply for the doctoral degree examination, students must fulfill all course requirements, pass the qualification exam, and meet the thesis publication criteria, including the requirement of publishing at least one SCIE-indexed journal paper.
    • Process: The degree examination includes both subject exams and an oral defense, which must be conducted publicly and in accordance with the university’s Degree Examination Regulations.
    • Committee: The doctoral degree examination committee consists of 5-9 members, including at least two external members.
  5. Graduation Clearance:
    • Submission: Upon passing the degree examination, students must submit a copy of their dissertation, along with related software and user manuals, to the Institute for archiving. The dissertation may be subject to confidentiality or restricted access upon request.
The detailed and complete version of Study Regulations for Doctoral Program are displayed in the forms tab.