
Under Review Paper (* corresponding author)
1. Tran, D.-H., S.-J. Wang*, and J.-J. Dong, The Influence of Spatial Borehole Density on the Estimation of Geostatistical Properties and the Construction of Heterogeneously Hydrogeological Models. (Review in Engineering Geology) (SCI)
2. Dang, M.-Q., S.-J. Wang*, C.-C. Fu, Coastal Flowing Artesian Wells and Submarine Groundwater Discharge Driven by Tidal Variation at TaiCOAST Site in Taoyuan, Taiwan. (Review in Journal of Hydrology) (SCI)
3. Tran, D.-H., S.-J. Wang*, and J.-Y. Chen, Mechanism of Vertical Displacement Beneath the Shallow Compression Zone in a Coastal Area. (Review in Earth, Planets and Space) (SCI)
4. Wang, S.-J.*, Y.-Y. Lin, Y.-H. Chen, C.-L. Chung, S. Stanley, W.-C. Lai, and C.-C. Ke, Integration of Multiple Observations to Validate Mechanisms of Earthquake-Triggered Groundwater Level Anomalies: 2016 Taiwan Meinong Earthquake. (Revise in Journal of Hydrology) (SCI)
5. Lin, H.-S., T.-Y. Yeh, J.-J. Dong, S.-J. Wang, Z.-H. Weng, Y.-H. Chen, Y.-C. Lin* Investigation of spatiotemporal groundwater fluctuation patterns by combining data mining with a simulation approach for different hydrogeological conditions. (Review in Engineering Geology) (SCI)
6. Lin, S.-H., J.-C. Hu*, S.-J. Wang, Groundwater storage capacity of metropolitan area in post-subsidence era reveled by InSAR observations: Assessments and challenges. (Review in Journal of Hydrology) (SCI)

Refereed Paper (* corresponding author)
1. Ngo, T.-M.-L., Wang, S.-J.*, Chen, P.-Y. (2024). Assessment of Future Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Recharge Using Hydrological Modeling in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan. Water, 16(3), 419. (SCI)
2. Wang, S.-J.*, Nguyen, Q. C., Lu, Y.-C, Doyoro, Y. G, & Tran, D.-H. (2022). Evaluation of geological model uncertainty caused by data sufficiency using groundwater flow and land subsidence modeling as example. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81(8), 1-21. (SCI)
3. Tran, D.-H., Wang, S.-J.*, & Nguyen, Q. C. (2022). Uncertainty of heterogeneous hydrogeological models in groundwater flow and land subsidence simulations–A case study in Huwei Town, Taiwan. Engineering Geology, 106543. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106543 (SCI)
4. Wang, S.-J.*, C.-H. Lee, C.-F. Yeh, Y.F. Choo, H.-W. Tseng, 2021, Evaluation of Climate Change Impact on Groundwater Recharge in Groundwater Regions in Taiwan, Water, 13(9), 1153. (SCI)
5. Wang, S.-J., J.-Y. Chen, and K.-C. Hsu*, 2021, Investigation of Cross-Interactions of Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Model Using Stochastic Simulations, Computers and Geotechnics, 133, 104020, (SCI)
6. Tran, D.-H. and S.-J. Wang*, 2020, Land subsidence due to groundwater extraction and tectonic activity in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan, TISOLS: the Tenth International Symposium On Land Subsidence – living with subsidence. Proc. IAHS, 382, 361–365, Delft–Gouda, The Netherlands. (EI)
7. Wang, S.-J.*, and K.-C. Hsu, 2017, Stochastic Analysis of Thermal-Hydraulic- Mechanical Modeling for Buffer Material in Nuclear Waste Repository, Poromechanics VI - Proceedings of the 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, 787-794, Paris, France. (EI)
8. Wang, S.-J.*, K.-C. Hsu, C.-L. Wang, W.-C. Lai, and L.-T. Hsu, 2017, Evaluation of Hydraulic Properties of Aquitards Using Earthquake-Triggered Groundwater Variation, Groundwater, 55(5), 747-756, doi:10.1111/gwat.12519. (SCI: Water Resources 25/85, IF: 1.947 (2015))
9. Wang, S.-J.*, Hsu, K.-C., and C.-H. Lee, 2015, A Fusion Model Used in Subsidence Prediction in Taiwan, Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS), Special Issue: Prevention and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards due to land subsidence, 372, 463–469. (EI)
10. Wang, S.-J.*, K.-C. Hsu, W.-C. Lai, and C.-L. Wang, 2015, Estimating the extent of stress influence by using earthquake triggering groundwater level variations in Taiwan, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 111, 373-383, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2015.06.030. (SCI: Geosciences, Multidisciplinary 40/184, IF: 2.674 (2015))
11. Wang, S.-J., C.-H. Lee, and K.-C. Hsu*, 2015, A Technique for Quantifying Groundwater Pumping and Land Subsidence Using a Nonlinear Stochastic Poroelastic Model, Environmental Earth Sciences, 73(12), 8111-8124, doi: 10.1007/s12665-014-3970-6. (SCI: Water Resources 26/83; IF: 1.765 (2014))
12. Wang, S.-J.*, C.-H. Lee, J.-W. Chen, and K.-C. Hsu, 2015, Combining Gray System and Poroelastic Models to Investigate Subsidence Problem in Tainan, Taiwan, Environmental Earth Sciences, 73(11), 7237-7253, doi: 10.1007/s12665-014-3902-5. (SCI: Water Resources 26/83; IF: 1.765 (2014))
13. Wang, S.-J.*, 2015, Dimensional Upgrade Approach for Spatial-Temporal Fusion of Trend Series in Subsidence Evaluation, Entropy, 17(5), 3035-3052, doi:10.3390/e17053035. (SCI: Physics, Multidisciplinary 25/79, IF: 1.743 (2015))
14. Wang, S.-J. and K.-C. Hsu*, 2013, Dynamic Interactions of Groundwater Flow and Soil Deformation in Randomly Heterogeneous Porous Media, Journal of Hydrology, 499, 50-60, (SCI: Water Resources 6/85; Engineering, Civil 5/126, IF: 3.043 (2015))
15. Hsu, K.-C., S.-J. Wang*, and C.-L. Wang, 2013, Estimating Poromechanical Properties Using a Nonlinear Poroelastic Model, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 139(8), 1396-1401, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.000086. (SCI: Engineering, Geological 15/35, IF: 1.696 (2015))
16. Chen, K-W, C.-H. Lee, S.-J. Wang, C.-H. Tu, and J.-W. Chen*, 2012, Combination GM(1,1) and stochastic poroelastic theory to prediction the land subsidence in Yunlin and Jiayi area, Taiwan, Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vols. 204-208, 569-663. (EI)
17. Wang, S.-J. and K.-C. Hsu*, 2009, Dynamics of Deformation and Water Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media and its Impact on Soil Properties, Hydrological Processes, 23(25), 3569-3582, doi: 10.1002/hyp.7458. (SCI: Water Resources 8/85, IF: 2.768 (2015))
18. Wang, S.-J. and K.-C. Hsu*, 2009, The Application of the First-Order Second-Moment Method to Analyze Poroelastic Problems in Heterogeneous Porous Media, Journal of Hydrology, 369(1-2), 209-221, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.02.049. (SCI: Water Resources 6/85; Engineering, Civil 5/126, IF: 3.043 (2015))
19. 邱正鈞、萬昱廷、王士榮*,2020,以深度學習模型進行地下水位預測與抽水量推估,農業工程學報,第六十六卷,第四期。 (EI)
20. 王士榮*,2019,濁水溪流域地下水資源開發與管理,台灣水利,第67卷,第1期,43-67頁。 (EI)
21. 王士榮*,2016,桃園龍潭地區地下水溶質傳輸行為模擬與分析,土壤及地下水污染整治,第三卷,第三期,71-87頁。
22. 林宏奕、王士榮、葉信富、徐國錦、李振誥*、黃智昭、張閔翔,2014,台灣中段山區地下水資源開發潛能與可開發潛能量評估,西太平洋地質科學,14,77-100。
23. 王士榮、李馨慈、林宏奕、徐國錦、張閔翔、黃智昭、李振誥*,2014,立霧溪與花蓮溪流域地下水資源量評估,農業工程學報,60(4),20-33。 (EI)
24. 王士榮、葉信富、林政偉、游保杉、李振誥*,2014c,彰化地區民生用地下水之管理評估–2.氣候變遷影響,台灣水利,62(3),24-45。 (EI)
25. 王士榮、林政偉、許時倫、葉信富、李振誥*,2014b,彰化地區民生用地下水之管理評估–1.模式分析,台灣水利,62(3),46-65。 (EI)
26. 王士榮、葉信富、林政偉、侯伊浩、曾榮松、徐國錦、李振誥*,2014a,鳥嘴潭人工湖供水對彰化地區地下水與地層下陷之影響,台灣水利,62(3),8-23。(EI)
27. 林政偉、黃煌煇、陳建銘、徐國錦、王士榮*,2014,雲林高鐵沿線地區地下水位改善效益分析,台灣水利,62(1),1-17。 (EI)
28. 王士榮*、徐國錦、王建力、許良賜、賴文基,2014,使用地震引致地下水位變化推估阻水層水力特性,台灣水利,62(1),84-95。 (EI) (獲優秀學術論文獎)
29. 王士榮、林宏奕、李馨慈、徐國錦、黃智昭、張閔翔、李振誥*,2013,烏溪流域山區之地下水資源開發評估,農業工程學報,59(3),71-84。 (EI)
30. 蔡文瀚、張志瑋、王士榮、林政偉、徐國錦*,2013,地下水井混層抽水之出水量分析,台灣水利,61(1),75-85。 (EI)
31. 王士榮、李馨慈、林宏奕、徐國錦、張閔翔、黃智昭、李振誥*,2012,大甲溪流域中上游地區地下水出水量評估,農業工程學報,58(4),1-14。(EI) (CGS 100-5226904000-04-02; MOEAWRA 1000076 )
32. 王士榮、徐國錦*,2012,以共變異函數探討抽水作用引起之倒轉現象,農業工程學報,58(3),80-92。(EI) (NSC 97-2621-M-006-006; MOEAWRA 1000076)
33. 王士榮*、陳忠偉、李振誥、徐國錦,2012,台南地區在氣候變遷下之地層下陷災害潛勢與衝擊分析,台灣水利,60(2),42-53。(EI) (MOEAWRA 1000076; MOEAWRA 1010216; CGS 100-5226904000-04-02)
34. 王士榮、王建力*、徐國錦、葉書泓、溫紹炳,2012,石門水庫淤泥受壓之流動性試驗與採礦法開挖淤泥之初步評估,台灣鑛業,64(2),26-36。 (NSC 97-2621-M-006-006; NSC 97-2621-M006-007; R046)
35. 王士榮、林宏奕、李馨慈、徐國錦、黃智昭、張閔翔、李振誥*,2012,應用三維數值模式評估濁水溪中游山區地下水安全出水量,農業工程學報,58(1),1-12。(EI) (MOEAWRA 0990363; MOEACGS 99-5226904000-06-02)
36. 王士榮、陳忠偉、徐國錦、李振誥*,2011b,結合灰系統模式與非線性孔彈性模式進行台南地區地層下陷量之推估,台灣水利,59(4),17-29。(EI) (MOEAWRA 0990363; CGS 99-5226904000-06-02)
37. 王士榮、徐國錦*、李振誥、陳忠偉,2011a,非線性序率孔彈性模式應用於抽水量與地層下陷量推估,台灣水利,59(4),47-59。(EI) (R046; MOEAWRA 0990363; MOEACGS 99-5226904000-06-02)
38. 王士榮、徐國錦*、王建力,2011,非線性孔彈性模式應用在壓密試驗之水力與彈性參數推估,台灣水利,59(1),60-72。(EI) (NSC 97-2621-M-006-006; R046)
39. 王士榮、徐國錦*,2009,變形效應對土體位移與水力特性之影響及其不確定性分析,台灣水利,57(2),83-101。(NSC 96-2221-E-006-086; R046)
40. 王士榮、徐國錦*,2008,應用序率孔彈性理論探討地層下陷之行為,中國土木水利工程學刊,20(3),357-371。(EI) (NSC 95-2221-E-006-110)
41. 王士榮、徐國錦*、王建力、賴文基、李友平,2006,使用地震引致之地下水位異常變化推估應力異常區,氣象學報,46(3),1-17。
42. 彭文飛、王士榮、陳時祖*,2005,以累積位移法評估地震時邊坡之穩定性,台灣公共工程學刊,1(1),17-27。(NSC 90-2221-E-006-139)
43. 王士榮、陳時祖*,2003,以累積位移法估算自然邊坡使用擬靜力分析法時之地震加速度折減係數之研究,鑛冶,47(4),63-70。(NSC 90-2221-E-006-139)

Conference Paper (* Presenter)
1. Tran, D.-H.* and S.-J. Wang, 2023, Land subsidence due to groundwater extraction and tectonic activity in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan, Tenth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Delft–Gouda, The Netherlands, May 17–21, 2023. (國際研討會)
2. Wang, S.-J.*, Nguyen Q.-C., Y.-C. Lu, Y. G. Doyoro, and D.-H. Tran, 2023, Data Sufficiency induced Geological Model Uncertainty in Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence Simulations, Tenth International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Delft–Gouda, The Netherlands, May 17–21, 2023. (國際研討會)
3. Tran, D.-H.* and S.-J. Wang, 2022, Using Geostatistical Approach to Assess the Hydrogeologicial Model Uncertainty on Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence in Huwei Township, Taiwan, International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR 2022), Newcastle, Australia, December 14–16, 2022. (國際研討會)
4. Dang, M.-Q.*, S.-J. Wang, and C.-C. Fu, 2022, Using a Multiphysical Model to Investigate Submarine Groundwater Discharge Under Tidal Variations at a Coastal Site in Taoyuan City, Taiwan, IG05-A010, Oral (Online), AOGS2022 Virtual, August 1-5, 2022. (國際研討會)
5. Nguyen, Q. C.*, S.-J. Wang, and D.-H. Tran, 2021, Using Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence Simulations to Assess the Geological Model Uncertainty, AOGS 18th Annual Meeting, Oral (Online), Singapore, August 1-6, 2021. (國際研討會)
6. Chen, J.-Y.* and S.-J. Wang, 2020, The study on stochastic thermal – hydraulic – mechanical coupled model for porous media with dependent parameters, AGU Fall Meeting, online everywhere, San Francisco, USA, December 1–17, 2020. (MOST 106-2116-M-008-023-MY3) (國際研討會)
7. Lin, Y.-Y.*, Wang, S.-J., and W.-C. Lai, 2020, The research of Meinong earthquake induced hydrological anomalies and increased vertical permeability in southwestern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly, Poster, Vienna, Austria, May 3-8, 2020. (MOST 106-2116-M-008-023-MY3) (國際研討會)
8. Tran, D.-H.* and S.-J. Wang, 2019, Estimating land subsidence due to both groundwater extraction and tectonic activity in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan, AGU Fall Meeting 2019, Poster T13H 0323, San Francisco, USA, December 9-13, 2019. (國際研討會)
9. Wang, S.-J.*, Y.-Y., Lin, W.-C. Lai, and H.-J. Chu, 2019, Investigating Permeability Enhancement by Using Groundwater Level Anomalies in 2016 Kaohsiung Meinong Earthquake, Taiwan, International Conference in Commemoration of 20th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taipei, Taiwan, September 15-19, 2019. (國際研討會)
10. Wang, S.-J.*, Y.-Y. Lin, W.-C. Lai, and H.-J. Chu, 2019, Hydrology Anomalies Triggered by 2016 Taiwan Meinong Earthquake, 18th Japan-Taiwan International Workshop on Hydrological and Geochemical Research for Earthquake Prediction, Oral, Tsukuba, Japan, September 2-6, 2019. (Invited)(國際研討會)
11. Wang, S.-J.*, 2019, Using Conditional Approach to Reduce the Uncertainty in Stochastic Subsidence Modeling, AOGS 16th Annual Meeting, IG03-A008, Oral, Suntech, Singapore, July 28-August 2, 2019. (國際研討會) (科技部經費補助)
12. Wang, S.-J.*, C.-H. Lee, and C.-W. Lin, 2019, Groundwater Resources Management and Its Application in Choushui River Watershed, Workshop for Land Subsidence Prevention and Mitigation, Oral, Tainan, Taiwan, July 2, 2019. (Invited) (國際研討會)
13. Wang, S.-J.* and C.-H. Lee, 2019, The Climate Change Impact on Groundwater Recharge in Taiwan, International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts, Special Session X: Climate Impacts on Water Resources, Oral, Tainan, Taiwan, June 23-26, 2019. (國際研討會)
14. Wang, S.-J.*, W.-C. Lai, K.-C. Hsu, C.-L. Wang, and L.-T. Hsu, 2018, Using Earthquake induced Post-seismic Recovery of Groundwater Variations to Estimate the Hydraulic Properties of Aquitards, 17th Japan-Taiwan International Workshop on Hydrological and Geochemical Research for Earthquake Prediction, Oral, Tsukuba, Japan. (國際研討會) (科技部經費補助)
15. Wang, S.-J.*, Y.-C. Chen, N.-K. Chiu, C. F. Lin, C. P. Lee, and B. N. Wang, 2018, The Recharge Effect of Great Chaozhou Artificial Lake on Hydrology and Water Quality of Donggang River Watershed, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly, Poster, Vienna, Austria. (MOST 106-2116-M-008-023-MY3) (國際研討會) (科技部經費補助)
16. Wang, S.-J.*, and K.-C. Hsu, 2017, Stochastic Analysis of Thermal-Hydraulic- Mechanical Modeling for Buffer Material in Nuclear Waste Repository, 6th Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Paris, France. (國際研討會)
17. 楊詠涵*、王士榮,2022,以水力耦合模式探討不同複雜度地質模型對地層下陷模擬之影響—以雲林地區為例,農業工程研討會,地下水與地層下陷,學生論文競賽,桃園,台灣,December 2,2022。
18. 王士榮*、莊信宏,2022,東港溪流域地下水與河川交換量季節特徵,2022第十四屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會及臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,地面水與地下水交互作用,口頭發表,台中,台灣,November 9,2022。
19. 簡佑安*、王士榮,2022,以數值模式探討臺北盆地地下水資源管理策略,2022第十四屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會及臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,地下水資源評估,學生論文競賽,台中,台灣,November 9,2022。
20. 楊詠涵*、王士榮、陳德輝,2022,不同複雜度地質模型與非線性參數對地層下陷模擬之影響—以雲林地區為例,2022第十四屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會及臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,地面水與地下水交互作用,學生論文競賽,台中,台灣,November 9,2022。
21. Ngo, T.-M.-L.*, S.-J. Wang, P.-Y. Chen, 2022, Assessment of future climate change impacts on streamflow and groundwater by hydrological modeling in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan,2022第十四屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會及臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,氣候變遷對地下水之影響,學生論文競賽,台中,台灣,November 9,2022。
22. Tran, D.-H.*, S.-J. Wang, Y.-H. Yang, Y.-A. Chien, 2022, Assessment on the Deep Compression due to Shallow Groundwater Pumping by Using a Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Model,2022第十四屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會及臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,地層下陷之機制,口頭發表,台中,台灣,November 9,2022。
23. 王士榮*、馬國鳳、傅慶州、賴文基、許鶴瀚、江協堂、何彥德、黃鐘鋒,花蓮米崙斷層地下水整合觀測計畫,2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會(TGA),米崙斷層鑽井及監測計畫,口頭發表,台北,台灣,June 7-10,2022。
24. Tran, D.-H.*, J.-Y. Chen, and S.-J. Wang, 2022, Revealing Deep Displacement Mechanism induced by Seasonal Variations Beneath the Zone of Human Activity in Taiwan, 2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會(TGA), 地層下陷監測與水資源管理, 學生論文競賽, 台北, 台灣, June 7-10, 2022. (獲學生論文競賽優等獎)
25. Marginingsih, A. S.* and S.-J. Wang, 2022, Investigating the Influences of Various Complexity of Hydrogeological Models on Pore Water Pressure Distribution Due to Seismic Wave Propagation, 2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會(TGA), 水文與水文地質, 學生論文競賽, 台北, 台灣, June 7-10, 2022.
26. Ngo, T.-M.-L.*, S.-J. Wang, P.-Y. Chen, 2022, Assessment of future climate change impacts on streamflow and groundwater by hydrological modeling in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan, 2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會(TGA), 水文與水文地質, 學生論文競賽, 台北, 台灣, June 7-10, 2022.
27. Nguyen, T.-R.-G.*, S.-J. Wang, 2022, Revealing the aquifer confinement potential throughout the impact of barometric pressure on groundwater system in Donggang River Watershed, Taiwan, 2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會(TGA), 水文與水文地質, Oral, 台北, 台灣, June 7-10, 2022.
28. Stanley, S.-P.* and S.-J. Wang, 2022, Investigation on the Mechanism of Step Groundwater Level Variations in Different Aquifers in Chianan and Pingtung Plains During the 2010 Jiashan Earthquake in Taiwan, 2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會(TGA), 水文學, 學生論文競賽, 台北, 台灣, June 7-10, 2022.
29. Tran, D. H.*, Y.-A. Chien and S.-J. Wang, 2022, The Simulations of 3D Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Model: from Local to Basin Scales, 2022岩盤工程暨工程地質研討會,博士生論文競賽,桃園,台灣,May 5-6, 2022。(獲博士生論文競賽佳作)
30. Tran, D. H.*, S.-J. Wang, and Q. C. Nguyen, 2021, Stochastic Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence Modeling in Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Models in Huwei Town, Yunlin County, 中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會110年年會暨學術研討會,工程地質,Oral,台北,台灣,November 22-24, 2021。
31. Nguyen, Q. C.*, S.-J. Wang, D. H. Tran, and Y. G. Doyoro, 2021, Assessing the geological model uncertainty using groundwater flow and land subsidence simulations, 中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會110年年會暨學術研討會,學生論文競賽,台北,台灣,November 22-24, 2021。
32. 莊信宏*、王士榮,2021,探討地質材料垂向解析度對水文地質異質場模型建置與地下水流模擬之影響—以屏東東港溪流域為例,第十三屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,水文地質調查與探討,學生論文競賽,台北,台灣,October 8, 2021。
33. Nguyen, T. R. G.* and S.-J. Wang, 2021, Using Barometric Efficiency to Estimate the Specific Storage in Donggang River Watershed, Taiwan,第十三屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,地下水文觀測及試驗,學生論文競賽,台北,台灣,October 8, 2021。
34. Tran, D. H.* and S.-J. Wang, 2021, Using Aquifer Reflection to Investigate the Mechanism of Shallow Compaction in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan,第十三屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會,地層下陷與海水入侵研究,學生論文競賽,台北,台灣,October 8, 2021。 (獲最佳論文獎(第一名))
35. 陳映涵*、鍾佳琳*、王士榮,2020,地震波與水文地質特性對地震引致地下水文變化之影響探討-以2016美濃地震為例,2020全國地球系統科學專題研究大賽,國立中央大學舉辦,桃園,台灣,December 12, 2020。 (指導教授)
36. 楊佳悅*、楊詠涵*、董家鈞、王士榮,2020,地質學知識與球物理探勘數據對地質模型建構之影響,2020全國地球系統科學專題研究大賽,國立中央大學舉辦,桃園,台灣,December 12, 2020。 (共同指導教授)
37. 莊信宏*、王士榮,2020,利用現地試驗探討東港溪地面水與地下水交互作用,2020臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會及第十二屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會,學生論文競賽,基隆市,台灣,November 13, 2020。
38. 簡佑安*、楊詠涵*、王士榮,2020,甲仙地震引致地下水文異常變化與美濃地震之比較,2020臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會及第十二屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會,學生論文競賽,基隆市,台灣,November 13, 2020。
39. 蔡孟儒*、王士榮、董家鈞、2020,地質概念模型差異對污染傳輸模擬之影響,2020臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會及第十二屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會,學生論文競賽,基隆市,台灣,November 13, 2020。
40. 王士榮*,2020,地震水文觀測現況與遭遇問題初探,中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會109年年會暨學術研討會,多維尺度地物與地化之孕震過程觀測,Oral,台北,台灣,November 17-18, 2020。
41. 陳建語*、王士榮,2020,The study on stochastic thermal-hydraulic-mechanical fully-coupled model with dependent parameters for final disposal site for spent nuclear fuel,中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會109年年會暨學術研討會,地球科學在深層地質處置上的應用,學生論文競賽,台北,台灣,November 17-18, 2020。
42. Tran, D. H.*, S.-J. Wang, and Q. C. Nguyen, 2020, Geological Model Uncertainty in 3D Heterogeneous Models on Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence Simulations in Huwei Town, Yunlin County, 中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會109年年會暨學術研討會,地質模型不確定性對工程、防災、環境與資源之影響,Oral,台北,台灣,November 17-18, 2020。
43. Nguyen, Q. C.*, S.-J. Wang, and D. H. Tran, 2020, Quantify the geological model uncertainty in groundwater flow and land subsidence simulations, 中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會109年年會暨學術研討會,地質模型不確定性對工程、防災、環境與資源之影響,學生論文競賽,台北,台灣,November 17-18, 2020。 (獲學生論文競賽佳作)
44. 林彥耀*、王士榮、賴文基、朱宏杰,2019,美濃地震引致嘉南平原異常水文變化之研究,2019臺灣地下水資源暨水文地質學會年會及第十一屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會,學生論文競賽,台南,台灣,September 5, 2019。
45. 王士榮、李忠沛、何信緯*、顏鈺靜,2019,東港溪流域地面水與地下水之水文分析與研討,第24屆水利工程研討會,地下水與地層下陷,口頭發表,台北,台灣,September 26-27, 2019。
46. 邱正鈞*、萬昱廷、王士榮,2019,以深度學習模型進行地下水位預測與抽水量推估,2019臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會,水文與水文地質議程,學生論文競賽,台北,台灣,May 14-17, 2019。
47. Tran, D.-H.* and S.-J. Wang, 2019, Estimating land subsidence due to tectonic activity in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan, 2019 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly, Tectonics and Mountain Building Process session, Student competition, Taipei, Taiwan, May 14-17, 2019. (獲學生論文競賽優等獎)
48. Wang, S.-J.*, 2019, Reducing the Modeling Uncertainty in Subsidence Assessment by Using a Conditional Stochastic Method, 2019 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly, Land Subsidence session, Oral, Taipei, Taiwan, May 14-17, 2019.
49. 王士榮*、徐國錦,2018,熱水力耦合行為探討與不確定性分析,第一屆海峽兩岸環境放射化學與核種遷移研討會,國立清華大學原子科學院主辦,台北,台灣。(兩岸研討會)
50. 王士榮*、李忠沛、林家豐,2018,東港溪水文與水質相關性探討,第十屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨2018海峽兩岸地下水與水文地質應用研討會,海報發表,國立中央大學地球科學院,桃園,臺灣。(兩岸研討會)
51. 林家豐*、王士榮,2018,東港溪地面水與地下水相關性探討,第十屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨2018海峽兩岸地下水與水文地質應用研討會,海報發表,國立中央大學地球科學院,桃園,臺灣。(兩岸研討會)
52. 邱正鈞*、萬昱廷、張融、王士榮、李奕賢,2018,深度學習模型在地下水位預測的應用,第十屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會暨2018海峽兩岸地下水與水文地質應用研討會,學生海報競賽,國立中央大學地球科學院,桃園,臺灣。(兩岸研討會)
53. 李振誥、王士榮*、周永分、葉振峰、葉信富、游保杉,2018,氣候變遷下臺灣九大地下水資源區地下水潛能變化之研究,臺灣氣候變遷科學報告說明會暨氣候變遷資料使用經驗座談會,海報發表,臺灣氣候變遷推估與資訊平台,台北,臺灣。
54. 王士榮*、徐國錦、賴文基、王建力、許良賜,2017,以震後地下水位變化推估阻水層水力傳導係數,2017年中華民國地球物理學會與中華民國地質學會年會暨學術研討會,水文與水文地質(H1),口頭發表,國立成功大學地球科學系暨研究所承辦,台南,臺灣。