
¤ 2025.02.11: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) received the Research Outstanding Award, National Central University (國立中央大學113學年度研究傑出獎).

¤ 2025.01.08: Minh-Quan Dang (鄧明君) passed the oral defense of PhD’s Degree on the topic: "Spatiotemporal Variation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Taoyuan Coastal Area, NW Taiwan: Numerical and Geochemical Approaches (以數值模擬和地球化學方法探討台灣桃園沿海地區海岸帶地下水出流量的時空變化)”. Link

¤ 2024.11.22: An SCI paper was accepted as: Truong, H.-D., S.-J. Wang*, M.-Q. Dang, 2025/04, Developing a coupled hydraulic-mechanical-chemical model to investigate the influences of geological model complexity in simulating seawater intrusion and land subsidence. Journal of Hydrology, 650, 132505. Link

¤ 2024.11.20: An SCI paper was accepted as: Dang, M.-Q., F.-H. Hsu, C.-C. Su*, S.-J. Wang*, C.-C. Fu*, I.-T. Lin, 2025/03, Investigation of seasonal variations in submarine groundwater discharge using radium isotopes under drought conditions in northwestern coastal Taiwan. Journal of Hydrology, 649, 132450. Link

¤ 2024.11.08: An SCI paper was accepted as: Lin, S.-H., J.-C. Hu*, S.-J. Wang, 2024/12, Assessing potential groundwater storage capacity for sustainable groundwater management in the transitioning post-subsidence metropolitan area, Water Resources Research, 60(11), e2023WR036951. Link

¤ 2024.10.08: An SCI paper was accepted as: Wang, S.-J.*, Y.-Y. Lin, Y.-H. Chen, C.-L. Chung, W.-C. Lai, and C.-C. Ke, 2024/12, Integration of multiple observations for validation of mechanisms of earthquake-triggered groundwater level anomalies: 2016 Taiwan Meinong Earthquake, Journal of Hydrology, 645(part A), 132230. Link

¤ 2024.10.07: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) become an Affiliate in UNESCO Land Subsidence International Initiative (LaSII) Link

¤ 2024.09.24: AA Scopus paper was accepted as: 蕭宇皓、王士榮*,2024,地震對台灣花東地區地下水位的影響及其影響因素探討(Discussion on the impact of earthquake on groundwater level in Hua-Dong area of Taiwan and its influencing factors.),台灣水利,第72卷,第3期,第36-53頁。 Link

¤ 2024.06.27: 陳映涵 (Ying-Han Chen) passed the oral defense of Master Degree on the topic: "Investigation of sustainable resource management of Taiwan Jiaoxi hot spring by integrating the hydrothermal numerical simulation in a heterogeneous hydrogeological model (結合異質性地質模型與水-熱數值模式探討台灣宜蘭礁溪溫泉水資源管理)" Link

¤ 2024.06.26: 余柏翰 got a College Student Research Project funded by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) (國科會大專生計畫) on the topic: "含水層壓縮力學機制分析-以雲林土庫地層為例," NSTC 113-2813-C-008-080-M, 2024/07/01-2025/02/28.

¤ 2024.06.20: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) got a Research Project funded by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) on the topic: "濁水溪沖積扇地層下陷機制之研究與探討(Investigations of land subsidence mechanism of Choushui River Alluvial Fan)," NSTC 113-2116-M-008-005, 2024/08/01-2025/07/31.

¤ 2024.06.06: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝) passed the oral defense of Ph.D. Degree on the topic: "From Data to Models: Understanding the Importance of Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Models in Geohydrology Studies" Link

¤ 2024.05.30: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) received the Excellent Teaching Teacher Award in National Central University (112學年度校教學優良教師). Link

¤ 2024.05.25: 陳映涵 (Ying-han Chen) received the 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會-榮譽會員證書.

¤ 2024.05.25: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝) received the Dean Award in College of Earth Sciences.

¤ 2024.05.25: Huu-Duc Truong (鍾胡德) received the Dean Award in College of Earth Sciences.

¤ 2024.05.21: Minh-Quan Dang (鄧明君) got an Excellent Student Award, National Central University (國立中央大學113學年度優秀學生獎學金).

¤ 2024.05.15: An SCI paper was accepted as: Tran, D.-H., S.-J. Wang*, J.-Y. Chen, 2024, Mechanism of vertical displacement beneath shallow compression zone in coastal area, Earth, Planets and Space, 76(1), 1-22. Link

¤ 2024.05.07: Quoc Cuong Nguyen (阮國強) received the Best Master VEI CHOW JUAN Thesis Award (阮維周學位論文獎).

¤ 2024.04.29: An SCI paper was accepted as: Tran, D.-H., S.-J. Wang*, and J.-Y. Chen, 2024, Mechanism of Vertical Displacement Beneath Shallow Compression Zone in Coastal Area, Earth Planets and Space, 76, 74 Link

¤ 2024.03.21: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) and Minh-Quan Dang were posted on the NCU news for “水資源新發現!中央大學研究顯示:桃園沿海地下水出流量約半座石門水庫”. Link

¤ 2024.03.11: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) received the Research Outstanding Award, National Central University (國立中央大學112學年度研究傑出獎).

¤ 2024.03.01: An EI paper was accepted as: 莊信宏、王士榮*,2024,以河床出入滲試驗探討東港溪流域地下水與河川交換量季節性特徵,農業工程學報,第七十卷,第一期,39-49頁。 Link

¤ 2024.02.17: An SCI paper was accepted as: Dang, M.-Q., S.-J. Wang*, C.-C. Fu, H.-D. Truong, 2024, Coastal Flowing Artesian Wells and Submarine Groundwater Discharge Driven by Tidal Variation at TaiCOAST Site in Taoyuan, Taiwan, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 52, 101708. Link

¤ 2024.01.25: An SCI paper was accepted as: Ngo, T.-M.-L., Wang, S.-J.*, Chen, P.-Y., 2024. Assessment of Future Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Recharge Using Hydrological Modeling in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan. Water, 16(3), 419. Link

¤ 2024.01.11: Huu-Duc Truong (鍾胡德) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: "Developing a Coupled HMC Model to Investigate the Influences of Geological Model Complexity in Simulating Seawater Intrusion and Land Subsidence: A Case Study in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan (以HMC模式探討地質模型複雜度對海水入侵與地層下陷模擬之影響—以台灣屏東平原為例)."Link

¤ 2024.01.11: Ngoc-Thanh-Vu Nguyen (阮玉清武) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: "Spatiotemporal Variations of the Skeletal Specific Storage in Choushui River Aquifer System, Taiwan (濁水溪沖積扇含水層之骨架比儲水係數時空分布研究)."Link

¤ 2024.01.11: Yu-An Jian (簡佑安) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: "異質性水文地質模型於地下水數值模擬之應用——以臺北盆地為例 (The Groundwater Numerical Modeling on a 3D Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Model in Taipei Basin, Taiwan)."Link

¤ 2023.12.26: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝) got an Excellent Student Award, National Central University (國立中央大學112學年度優秀學生獎學金).

¤ 2023.11.30: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) got a Research Project funded by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) on the topic: "放射性廢棄物最終處置場址水化學作用對岩體裂隙之水-力耦合交互作用影響研究(Research on the influence of water chemistry in the final disposal site of radioactive waste on the hydraulic-mechanical coupling interaction of rock mass fractures)," NSTC 113-2623-E-008-003-NU, 2024/01/01 ~ 2024/12/31.

¤ 2023.07.14: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) is promoted as an Associate Professor in National Central University, starting from 2023/08/01.

¤ 2023.06.30: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) received the Excellent Teaching Teacher Award in College of Earth Sciences, National Central University (111學年度地科學院教學優良教師). Link

¤ 2023.06.19: 吳昀容 got a College Student Research Project funded by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) (國科會大專生計畫) on the topic: "臺灣花東地震對於彰雲地區地層沉陷變化影響之初探," NSTC 112-2813-C-008-063-M, 2023/07/01-2024/02/28.

¤ 2023.06.13: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) got a Research Project funded by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) on the topic: "花蓮米崙斷層地下水整合觀測與斷層活動機制探討II (Integration of Groundwater Observation around Hualien Milun Fault and Mechanism Investigation of Fault and Fluid Interaction II)," NSTC 112-2116-M-008-004, 2023/08/01-2024/07/31.

¤ 2023.05.25: P楊詠涵 (Yung-Han Yang) received the 中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會-榮譽會員證書 & the Dean Award in College of Earth Sciences.

¤ 2023.01.05: Agustina Shinta Marginingsih (馬金寧) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: "Investigation on the Influences of Various Complexity of Hydrogeological Models on Pore Water Pressure Buildup Triggered by Seismic Wave Propagation." Link

¤ 2023.01.05: Thi-My-Linh Ngo (吳氏馬林) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: "Assessment of future climate change impacts on streamflow and groundwater by hydrological modeling in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan." Link

¤ 2023.01.05: Thi-Rin-Gan Nguyen (阮雅静) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: "A Three-Step Time-Series Method for Assessing the Barometric Efficiency in the Donggang River Watershed, Taiwan." Link

¤ 2023.01.05: 2023.01.05: 楊詠涵 (Yung-Han Yang) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: "以水-力耦合模式探討不同複雜度地質模型對地層下陷模擬之影響—以雲林地區為例 (The influence of geological models with different complexity on land subsidence simulation based on a coupled hydro-mechanical model – a case study in Yunlin County)." Link

¤ 2022.11.09:: 楊詠涵 (Yung-Han Yang) received Outstanding Student Paper Award with the paper entitled "不同複雜度地質模型與非線性參數對地層下陷模擬之影響—以雲林地區為例" at The 14th Symposium on Groundwater Resources and Water Quality Protection & Annual Meeting of Taiwan Groundwater Resources and Hydrogeology Society (2022第十四屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會). Link

¤ 2022.09.27: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) received the Excellent Mentor Award in National Central University (110學年度中央大學優良導師獎). Link

¤ 2022.07.16: An SCI paper was accepted as: Wang, S.-J.*, Nguyen, Q. C., Lu, Y.-C, Doyoro, Y. G, & Tran, D.-H. (2022). Evaluation of geological model uncertainty caused by data sufficiency using groundwater flow and land subsidence modeling as example. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 81(8), 1-21. Link

¤ 2022.07.04: 莊信宏 (Sin-Hong Jhuang) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: "整合河床出入滲試驗與數值模擬探討東港溪流域地下水與河川交換量季節特徵 (Combining river recharge and discharge experiments and numerical simulation to discuss the seasonal interactions between groundwater and river water in Donggang river watershed)." Link

¤ 2022.06.28: Minh-Quan Dang (鄧明君) passed the PhD Qualify (exam and proposal defense) entitled "Using Physical and Chemical Approaches to Investigate the Submarine Groundwater Discharge Driving by Tidal Variations at TaiCOAST site, Taoyuan, Taiwan". Link

¤ 2022.06.15: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) got a Research Project funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) on the topic: "花蓮米崙斷層地下水整合觀測與斷層活動機制探討 (Investigation on Integrated Groundwater Observation of Hualien Milun Fault and Fault Activity Mechanism)," MOST 111-2116-M-008-007, 2022/08/01-2023/07/31.

¤ 2022.06.09: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝) received Outstanding Student Paper Award with the paper entitled " Revealing Deep Displacement Mechanism induced by Seasonal Variations Beneath the Zone of Human Activity in Taiwan " at The 2022 Taiwan Geoscience Assembly (2022臺灣地球科學聯合學術研討會(TGA)). Link

¤ 2022.05.06: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝) received Outstanding Student Paper Award with the paper entitled " The Simulations of 3D Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Model: from Local to Basin Scales " at The Rock Engineering and Engineering Geology Conference (2022岩盤工程暨工程地質研討會). Link

¤ 2022.02.01: An SCI paper was accepted as: Tran, D.-H., Wang, S.-J.*, & Nguyen, Q. C. (2022). Uncertainty of heterogeneous hydrogeological models in groundwater flow and land subsidence simulations–A case study in Huwei Town, Taiwan. Engineering Geology, 106543. 10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106543 Link

¤ 2022.01.11: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝) passed the PhD Qualify (exam and proposal defense) entitled "Quantification of Hydrogeological Model Uncertainty on Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence Simulations: from Local to Basin Scales". Link

¤ 2021.10.08: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝) received Outstanding Student Paper Award with the paper entitled "Using aquifer reflection to investigate the mechanism of shallow compaction in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan" at The 13th Symposium on Groundwater Resources and Water Quality Protection & Annual Meeting of Taiwan Groundwater Resources and Hydrogeology Society (2021第十三屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會). Link

¤ 2021.07.10: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) got a Research Project funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) on the topic: "嘉南高屏地區地震引致地下水文特性變化研究(II) (The investigation of groundwater hydrological variations triggered by earthquakes in Chianan-Kuoping areas (II))," MOST 110-2116-M-008-003, 2021/08/01-2022/07/31.

¤ 2021.07.02: 陳建語 (Jian-Yu Chen) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: "序率熱–水–力全耦合模式在相依參數條件下之交互作用行為探討 (The study on stochastic thermal-hydraulic-mechanical fully coupled model for porous media with dependent parameters)." Link

¤ 2021.07.02: Quoc-Cuong Nguyen (阮國強) passed the oral defense of Master’s Degree on the topic: " Evaluating Geological Model Uncertainty Caused by Data Sufficiency - Using Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence Modeling as the Example." Link

¤ 2021.07.01: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) received the Excellent Teaching Teacher Award in College of Earth Sciences, National Central University (109學年度地科學院教學優良教師). Link

¤ 2021.04.20: An SCI paper was accepted as: Wang, S.-J.*, C.-H. Lee, C.-F. Yeh, Y.F. Choo, H.-W. Tseng, 2021, Evaluation of Climate Change Impact on Groundwater Recharge in Groundwater Regions in Taiwan, Water, 13(9), 1153. Link

¤ 2021.01.17: An SCI paper was accepted as: Wang, S.-J., J.-Y. Chen, and K.-C. Hsu*, 2021, Investigation of Cross-Interactions of Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical Model Using Stochastic Simulations, Computers and Geotechnics, 133, 104020. Link

¤ 2020.12.23: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) got a Research Project funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and Atomic Energy Council (AEC) on the topic: "用過核子燃料最終處置母岩-緩衝材料孔隙熱-水-力耦合理論與不確定性模式發展研究 (The investigations of porous thermal-hydraulic-mechanical theory and model uncertainty on host rock and buffer material of final disposal site for spent nuclear fuel waste)," MOST 110-2623-E-008-004-NU, 2021/01/01-2021/12/31.

¤ 2020.11.18: Quoc-Cuong Nguyen (阮國強) received Outstanding Student Paper Award with the paper entitled "Quantify the geological model uncertainty in groundwater flow and land subsidence simulations" at 2020 Annual Congress of Chinese Taipei Geophysical Society and Geological Society. Link

¤ 2020.07.10: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) got a Research Project funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) on the topic: "嘉南高屏地區地震引致地下水文特性變化研究 (Study on changes of ground hydrological characteristics caused by earthquakes in Gaoping area of Jiannan)," MOST 109-2116-M-008-016, 2020/08/01-2021/07/31.

¤ 2020.07.06: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) received the Excellent Teaching Teacher Award in College of Earth Sciences, National Central University (108學年度地科學院教學優良教師). Link

¤ 2020.07.02: Master Oral Defense, topic: "2016美濃地震引致嘉南平原與屏東平原地下水文特性變化研究 (2016 Meinong earthquake induced hydrological property changes in Chianan and Pingtung plains, Taiwan) - 林彥耀 (Yan-Yao Lin)" Link

¤ 2020.06.18: 陳映涵 and 鍾佳琳 got a College Student Research Project funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) (科技部大專生計畫) on the topic: "地震波與水文地質特性對地下水文影響之研究-以2016美濃地震為例," MOST 109-2813-C-008-041-M, 2020/07/01 ~ 2021/02/28.

¤ 2020.05.05: An EI paper was accepted as: 邱正鈞、萬昱廷、王士榮*,2020,以深度學習模型進行地下水位預測與抽水量推估,農業工程學報,第六十六卷,第四期,46-58頁. Link

¤ 2020.02.10: An EI paper was accepted as: Tran, D. H. and S.-J. Wang*, 2020, Land subsidence due to groundwater extraction and tectonic activity in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan, TISOLS: the Tenth International Symposium On Land Subsidence – living with subsidence. Proc. IAHS, 382, 361–365, Delft–Gouda, The Netherlands. Link

¤ 2020.01.31: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝) got Master Degree on the topic: "Quantify Land Subsidence due to Groundwater Extraction and Tectonic Activity in Southwestern Taiwan (台灣西南部因地下水開發與構造活動引致地層下陷之研究).” Link

¤ 2019.05.17: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝) received Outstanding Student Paper Award with the paper entitled "Estimating land subsidence due to tectonic activity in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan” at 2019 Taiwan Geosciences Assembly. Link

¤ 2018.11.29: An EI paper was accepted as: 王士榮*,2019,濁水溪流域地下水資源開發與管理,台灣水利,第67卷,第1期,43-67頁. Link

¤ 2018.06.22: 邱正鈞 and 萬昱廷 got the College Student Research Project funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) (科技部大專生計畫) on the topic: "深度學習模型在地下水位預測的應用," MOST 107-2813-C-008-041-M, 2018/07/01-2019/02/28.

¤ 2017.12.27: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) received the Outstanding Teaching and Research Award for New Faculty in National Central University (國立中央大學新聘傑出教研人員獎勵).

¤ 2017.12.07: Professor Shih-Jung Wang (王士榮) got a Research Project funded by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) on the topic: “序率孔彈性理論之發展與地層下陷研究之應用 (The development and applications of stochastic poroelastic theory on land subsidence),” MOST 106-2116-M-008-023-MY3, 2017/12/01-2020/07/31.

Browse Times: (from 2018/12/27)
