¤ 2025.02.23: 王士榮 (Shih-Jung Wang): Our achievements in 2024

¤ 2025.02.23: 王士榮 (Shih-Jung Wang): 美濃地震的地震水文研究發表經驗分享

¤ 2025.02.14: Minh-Quan Dang (鄧明君): PhD Study Insights

¤ 2024.09.25: Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝): Have You Ever Cried?

¤ 2024.09.25: 李宇晨: 2024暑期專題心得

¤ 2024.09.25: 王梓芯 (Tzu-Hsin Wang): 大學專題歷程

¤ 2024.09.16: 吳昀容 (Yun-Rong Wu): 關於踏入研究室後的大學生活

¤ 2024.07.31: 陳映涵 (Ying-Han Chen): 碩班教會我的事

¤ 2024.03.31: 簡佑安 (Yu-An Jian): Keep dreams alive

¤ 2024.03.31: Ngoc-Thanh-Vu Nguyen (阮玉清武): The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Idea of Studying Abroad in Taiwan

¤ 2024.03.18: Huu-Duc Truong (鍾胡德): Keep Going and Try Your Best Without Knowing Which Path Is Right, Let Your Heart Guide You, and It'll Always be the Right Way

¤ 2023.03.22: Agustina Shinta Marginingsih (馬金寧): Courses is your Business

¤ 2023.03.20: 楊詠涵 (Yung-Han Yang): 我的碩士就讀經驗與心得

¤ 2023.01.17: Thi-My-Linh Ngo (吳氏馬林): Why I chose to study in Taiwan, and what was I hoping to get out of the experience?

¤ 2023.01.05: Rin-Gan Nguyen (阮雅静): Hi! I am Rin

¤ 2023.01.04: 莊信宏 (Sin-Hong Jhuang): 碩士心得

¤ 2022.09.02: 吳昀容 (Yun-Rong Wu): 我的第一張學術海報

¤ 2022.09.02: 吳昀容 (Yun-Rong Wu): 2022暑期專題感想

¤ 2022.06.15: 王士榮 (Shih-Jung Wang): 我的冷門系所

¤ 2021.09.03: 王士榮 (Shih-Jung Wang): 為什麼要進行學術論文發表?

¤ 2021.08.19: Eddie (阮國強): Many times, I was asked why Taiwan and not elsewhere

¤ 2021.08.12: 陳建語 (Jian-Yu Chen): My experience and opinions of "Master degree" in Applied Geology Institute

¤ 2021.06.01: 周碩君 (Shuo-Jun Zhou): Part-time equivalent research experiences in GeoHydraulics Research Laboratory

¤ 2020.09.04: 林彥耀 (Yan-Yao Lin): My Experience Doing a Master’s Degree in GeoHydraulics Research Group

¤ 2020.04.20: 王士榮 (Shih-Jung Wang): GeoHydraulis Research Group