Graduate students


PhD Student / NCU
Areas of interest: Wave Propagation Simulation on Soil Liquefaction Area

  • Master thesis: Investigation on the Influences of Various Complexity of Hydrogeological Models on Pore Water Pressure Buildup Triggered by Seismic Wave Propagation
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    Huu-Duc Truong (鍾胡德)

    PhD Student / NCU
    Areas of interest: Hydrogeological, Environmental Geology, Coupled Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical model, Coastal Management and Ecosystems

  • Master thesis and Publication: Developing a coupled hydraulic-mechanical-chemical model to investigate the influences of geological model complexity in simulating seawater intrusion and land subsidence
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    許鎧麟 (Kai-Lin Hsu)

    Master Student / NCU
    Areas of interest: Hydro-mechanical-chemical coupling simulation (水-力-化耦合)



    Master Student / NCU
    Department: Department of Earth Sciences
    Areas of interest: Earthquake hydrology



    Master Student / NCU
    Department: Department of Earth Sciences
    Areas of interest: Land subsidence


    Research Assistants

    林佳芳 (Chia-Fang Lin)

    Master of Science / NCU
    Areas of interest: Timing analysis of accreting millisecond pulsar/ High energy astrophysics

  • Master thesis: Pulsar Timing Analysis of the NICER Observations of Accreting Millisecond Pulsar IGR J17591-2342
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    梁興楑 (Sing-Kuei Liang)

    Master of Science / NCU
    Areas of interest: 高、低放射性廢棄物處置;微地動陣列量測;水-力-化耦合

  • Master thesis: Shallow S-Wave Velocity Structures of the Yunghoshan Region, Miaoli

  • More Details


    Completed Graduate Students


    Duc-Huy Tran (陳德輝)

    Ph.D. / NCU
    Areas of interest: Groundwater flow simulation, Land subsidence simulation, Hydrogeological uncertainty, Hydrogeology, 3D Hydrogeological model

  • Master thesis: Quantify Land Subsidence due to Groundwater Extraction and Tectonic Acitivity in Southwestern Taiwan

  • Ph.D. dissertation: From Data to Models: Understanding the Importance of Heterogeneous Hydrogeological Models in Geohydrology Studies

  • More Details

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    林彥耀 (Yan-Yao Lin)

    Master of Science / NCU
    Areas of interest: 地震水文

  • Master thesis: 2016 Meinong earthquake induced hydrological property changes in Chianan and Pingtung plains, Taiwan
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    Master of Science / NTU (地質系)
    共同指導 : 胡植慶 教授
    Areas of interest: Analyzing groundwater-induced deformation and aquifer behavior in the Taipei Basin using PSInSAR and numerical model

  • Master thesis: Analyzing groundwater-induced deformation and aquifer behavior in the Taipei Basin using PSInSAR and numerical model

  • 畢業時間: 2018.11


    阮國強 (Eddie)

    Master of Science / NCU
    Areas of interest: Applied Geology

  • Master thesis: Evaluating Geological Model Uncertainty Caused by Data Sufficiency - Using Groundwater Flow and Land Subsidence Modeling as the Example
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    陳建語 (Jian-Yu Chen)

    Master of Science / NCU
    Areas of interest: 熱-水力-力耦合模擬

  • Master thesis: The study on stochastic thermal-hydraulic-mechanical fully coupled model for porous media with dependent parameters
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    楊詠涵 (Yung-Han Yang)

    Master of Science / NCU
    Areas of interest: 地層下陷、水力耦合、數值模擬

  • Master thesis: The influence of geological models with different complexity on land subsidence simulation based on a coupled hydro-mechanical model – a case study in Yunlin County
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    Thi-Rin-Gan Nguyen (阮雅静)

    Master of Science / NCU
    Areas of interest: Time series analysis, Barometric pressure, Aquifer confinement potential, Groundwater management

  • Master thesis: A Three-Step Time-Series Method for Assessing the Barometric Efficiency in the Donggang River Watershed, Taiwan
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    Thi-My-Linh Ngo (吳氏馬林)

    Master of Science / NCU
    Areas of interest: Conjunctive surface water and groundwater management under impact of climate change

  • Master thesis: Assessment of future climate change impacts on streamflow and groundwater by hydrological modeling in the Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan
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    Master Student / NCU
    Areas of interest: 地質模型、土壤液化


    Ngoc-Thanh-Vu Nguyen (阮玉清武)

    Master Student / NCU
    Areas of interest: Land subsidence, Geotechnical Investigation


    Undergraduate Student


    Undergraduate Student / NCU
    Department: Department of Earth Sciences
    Areas of interest: Compaction mechanism of the strata
    Research: Land subscidence in Yulin area and compaction mechanism of the strata based on sediment properties



    Undergraduate Student / NCU
    Department: Department of Earth Sciences
    Areas of interest: Earthquake hydrology
    Research: The correlation mechanisms between seismic activity and groundwater dynamics



    Undergraduate Student / NCHU
    Department: Department of Soil and Water Conservation
    Research: An Analysis of the relationship between seawater and groundwater



    邱正鈞 (Cheng-Chung Chiu)

    Undergraduate Student / NCU
    Department: Communication Engineering
    Research: 深度學習模型在地下水位預測的應用


    萬昱廷 (Lance Wan)

    Undergraduate Student / NCU
    Department: Communication Engineering
    Research: 深度學習模型在地下水位預測的應用


    黃康維 (Brian)

    Associates / CECI (台灣世曦)
    Areas of interest: 土水耦合力學

  • Master thesis: Experimental Study on Run-up height and velocity field of solitary waves
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    何信緯 (Hsin-Wei Ho)

    地下水工程師 / Apollo Technology Co., LTD. (瑞昶科技股份有限公司)
    Areas of interest: 利用分布參數方法發展傾斜裂隙岩層抽水試驗雙孔隙率模式

  • Master thesis: A Double-Porosity Model for Pumping in a Slant Fracture:The Distributed Parameter Approach

  • More Details


    陳蒔恩 (Sandra)

    Undergraduate Student / NTNU
    Department: Geography
    Areas of interest: Earthquake hydrology
    Research: Groundwater level changes induced by 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Choshui River Alluvial fan


    楊芷媗 (Chih-Hsuan Yang)

    Master Student / NCU
    Areas of interest: 水資源


    楊鎮宇 (Zhen-Yu Yang)

    Undergraduate Student / NTUT Department: Department of Material and Mineral Resource Engineering
    Areas of interest: Earthquake-induced groundwater variation


    鍾佳琳 (Lynn)

    Undergraduate Student / NCU
    Department: Department of Earth Sciences



    Undergraduate Student / NCU
    Department: Department of Earth Sciences
    Areas of interest: 地層下陷



    Undergraduate Student / NCU
    Department: Department of Earth Sciences


    Lulu Hsiao

    Undergraduate Student / NCU
    Department: Department of Earth Sciences
    Areas of interest: Earthquake hydrology


    Howard Chang

    Undergraduate Student (Internship) / NCU
    Areas of interest: Land subsidence



    Master Student / NCU
    Areas of interest: Geothermal



    Master Student / NCU
    Areas of interest: Geothermal (地熱、熱力-水力-力學耦合)