PhD Student / NCU
Areas of interest: Wave Propagation Simulation on Soil Liquefaction Area
PhD Student / NCU
Areas of interest: Wave Propagation Simulation on Soil Liquefaction Area
PhD Student / NCU
Areas of interest: Hydrogeological, Environmental Geology, Coupled Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical model, Coastal Management and Ecosystems
Master Student / NCU
Areas of interest: Hydro-mechanical-chemical coupling simulation (水-力-化耦合)
Master Student / NCU
Department: Department of Earth Sciences
Areas of interest: Earthquake hydrology
Master Student / NCU
Department: Department of Earth Sciences
Areas of interest: Land subsidence
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: Timing analysis of accreting millisecond pulsar/ High energy astrophysics
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: 高、低放射性廢棄物處置;微地動陣列量測;水-力-化耦合
PhD Candidate / NCU
Areas of interest: Radium, Environmental Geology
Ph.D. / NCU
Areas of interest: Groundwater flow simulation, Land subsidence simulation, Hydrogeological uncertainty, Hydrogeology, 3D Hydrogeological model
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: Hot spring management
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: 地震水文
Master of Science / NTU (地質系)
共同指導 : 胡植慶 教授
Areas of interest: Analyzing groundwater-induced deformation and aquifer behavior in the Taipei Basin using PSInSAR and numerical model
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: Applied Geology
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: 熱-水力-力耦合模擬
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: 地下水資源
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: 地層下陷、水力耦合、數值模擬
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: Time series analysis, Barometric pressure, Aquifer confinement potential, Groundwater management
Master of Science / NCU
Areas of interest: Conjunctive surface water and groundwater management under impact of climate change
Master Student / NCU
Areas of interest: 地質模型、土壤液化
Master Student / NCU
Areas of interest: Land subsidence, Geotechnical Investigation
Undergraduate Student / NCU
Department: Department of Earth Sciences
Areas of interest: Compaction mechanism of the strata
Research: Land subscidence in Yulin area and compaction mechanism of the strata based on sediment properties
Undergraduate Student / NCU
Department: Department of Earth Sciences
Areas of interest: Earthquake hydrology
Research: The correlation mechanisms between seismic activity and groundwater dynamics
Undergraduate Student / NCHU
Department: Department of Soil and Water Conservation
Research: An Analysis of the relationship between seawater and groundwater
Undergraduate Student / NCU
Department: Communication Engineering
Research: 深度學習模型在地下水位預測的應用
Undergraduate Student / NCU
Department: Communication Engineering
Research: 深度學習模型在地下水位預測的應用
Associates / CECI (台灣世曦)
Areas of interest: 土水耦合力學
地下水工程師 / Apollo Technology Co., LTD. (瑞昶科技股份有限公司)
Areas of interest: 利用分布參數方法發展傾斜裂隙岩層抽水試驗雙孔隙率模式
Areas of interest: 地球科學學類
Undergraduate Student / NTNU
Department: Geography
Areas of interest: Earthquake hydrology
Research: Groundwater level changes induced by 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Choshui River Alluvial fan
Master Student / NCU
Areas of interest: 水資源
Undergraduate Student / NTUT
Department: Department of Material and Mineral Resource Engineering
Areas of interest: Earthquake-induced groundwater variation
Undergraduate Student / NCU
Department: Department of Earth Sciences
Undergraduate Student / NCU
Department: Department of Earth Sciences
Areas of interest: 地層下陷
Undergraduate Student / NCU
Department: Department of Earth Sciences
Undergraduate Student / NCU
Department: Department of Earth Sciences
Areas of interest: Earthquake hydrology
Undergraduate Student (Internship) / NCU
Areas of interest: Land subsidence
Master Student / NCU
Areas of interest: Geothermal
Master Student / NCU
Areas of interest: Geothermal (地熱、熱力-水力-力學耦合)