
中文姓名: 王士榮
英文姓名: Shih-Jung Wang
電話: (公) (03) 422-7151 #65870 (宅/手機) 0918-001475
地址: 32001桃園市中壢區中大路300號 國立中央大學應用地質研究所
E-Mail: sjwang1230@gmail.com; sjwang@ncu.edu.tw
上學期:地震水文學(Earthquakes and Water) (全英文)
                地下水文學(Groundwater Hydrology) (全英文)
下學期:土水力學與應用(Geohydraulics and Applications) (全英文)
                地下水污染與傳輸現象(Groundwater Contamination and Transport) (全英文)
                氣候變遷與地球災害概論 (通識)


學校名稱 ⁄ 國別 ⁄ 主修學門系所 ⁄ 學位 ⁄ 起訖年月
國立成功大學 ⁄ 中華民國 ⁄ 資源工程研究所 ⁄ 博士 ⁄ 2002.09-2009.05
國立成功大學 ⁄ 中華民國 ⁄ 資源工程研究所 ⁄ 碩士 ⁄ 2000.09-2002.06
國立成功大學 ⁄ 中華民國 ⁄ 資源工程學系 ⁄ 學士 ⁄ 1996.09-2000.06
省立台中第一高級中學 ⁄ 中華民國 ⁄ 第二類組 ⁄ 高中 ⁄ 1993.09-1996.06


機關 ⁄ 部門&系所 ⁄ 身份 ⁄ 起訖年月
國立中央大學 ⁄ 應用地質研究所 ⁄ 助理教授 ⁄ 2017.08–

財團法人中興工程顧問社 ⁄南部辦公室(大地工程研究中心) ⁄ 副研究員兼南部業務代表 ⁄ 2015.12–2017.07
國立成功大學 ⁄ 大地資源研 究中心 ⁄ 助理研究員 ⁄ 2010.07–2015.12


1. 孔彈性力學(Poroelastic Mechanics)
2. 地下水文學(Groundwater Hydrology)
3. 地震水文學(Earthquake Hydrology)
4. 數值模擬(Numerical Modeling)

Shih-Jung Wang
Assistant Professor
Laboratory: GeoHydraulics Research Group

Contact information
Address: No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City 32001, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Phone: +886-3-4227151 ext. 65870
Cell phone: +886-918-001475
Email: sjwang1230@gmail.com; sjwang@ncu.edu.tw

Ph.D., 2009, Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
M.Eng., 2002, Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
B.Eng., 2000, Resources Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Work Experience
2017.08- Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Applied Geology, National Central University, Taiwan
2015.12-2017.07 Associate Researcher & Southern Branch Representative, Southern Branch Office, Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc., Taiwan
2010.07-2015.12 Assistant Researcher, Georesources Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Specialty and current interests
√ Coupled solid-fluid interactive theory and numerical analysis,
√ Subsidence hazard analysis,
√ Earthquake hydrology investigation, and
√ Groundwater resources management.

Open Courses
√ Groundwater Hydrology
√ Geohydraulics and Applications
√ Earthquakes and Water,
√ Groundwater Contamination and Transport

Recent projects
√ The development of stochastic poroelastic theory and the application to land subsidence
√ The investigation of groundwater hydrological variations triggered by earthquakes in Chianan-Kuoping areas
√ The Research Project on Monitoring the Hydrology and Water Quality of Donggang River Watershed