In addition to the equipment in the IMSE laboratories, the Center of Precision Instruments provides the following powerful tools for various kinds of material examination and characterization.
High-resolution Scanning TEM (JEOL JEM 2100)
Scanning TEM (JEOL 2000FX2)
X-ray Diffractometer (Bruker D8A,D2)
Small angle X-ray Diffractometer (NANO-Viewer)
Dimpler (South Bay Technology Model 515)
Ion-Mill (Gatan Model 600)
X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (VG Sigma Probe)
TGA;DSC(Perkin Elmer TGA-7)、(Diamond DSC) 、(Mettler DSC) 、(Netzsch HTDSC/TG)
Surface Area and Porosity analyzer (Micromeritics ASAP2010, ASAP2020)
Particle-size Analyzer (ZEN 4003)
Field-emission SEM (FEI NOVA 230) 、(Hitachi S800) 、(FEI Inspect F50)
Focus Ion Beam (FEI Versa 3D)
Low-vacuum SEM (Hitachi 3500N)
Raman Spectrometer (Uni RAM)