
1051 國際學舍宿民大會會議記錄

2016年國際學舍宿民大會 the resident meeting of international dorm in 2016

一、時間(Time): 2016/9/30(五 Friday) 18:00- 20:00

二、地點(Location): 國際學舍一樓交誼廳

the living room at first floor of international dorm

    1.主持人(hoster):賀厚平(Ho Hoppy)、阮江恆英(Nguyen Hang Giang Anh)

    2.紀錄(note taker): 顧文舒(Koo Wen-Shu)

三、會議紀錄Conference record


    Introduction of dormitory counselling teacher and the team of dormitory


    Introduction of activities hosted by our dormitory counselling teacher


    Announcements from the dormitory leader


       The rules for living room


       The place of mailox


       The rules for laundry room

      3.4 節能浴室使用規則

       The rules for Energy bathrooms

      3.5 廚房使用規則

       The rules for kitchen


       The rules for refrigerator


       The rules for other appliances in kitchen


       The rules and standard of allotment for cabinet allotment in kitchen (the rules has changed this year, please check the appendix for new rules )

      3.9 宿舍修繕服務

       Introduction of using repair service

      3.10 其他注意事項及緊急逃生說明

       Other information and introduction of the emergency contact telephone

3.11  2016年國際學舍雜誌報紙訂閱調查

the voting for magazines and newspaper of international dorm in 2016

問題一: 是否訂閱英文報紙?

Question1: Should we order the English newspaper in dorm?

      訂閱yes    6票votes

    不訂閱no  9票 votes


The result of voting: don’t order the English newspaper



Question 2: Choose the magazines that we would order for one year in this dorm (two English magazines, and one Chinese magazine)    

    英文雜誌English magazines

    COSMOPOLITAN   2票votes

    VOGUE  5票votes

    DECO   3票votes

    TIME   9票votes

   中文雜誌 Chinese magazines

    科學人(Scientific American in Chinese version)  4 票votes

    壹週刊(Next Magazine)  2 票 votes

投票結果: 要訂的英文雜誌為VOGUE&TIME,要訂的中文雜誌為科學人

The result of voting: the English magazines that will be ordered in dorm are VOGUE and TIME; the Chinese magazine will be Scientific American in Chinese version.


4.臨時動議extempore motion (Q&A)       

Q1. 廚房中殺蟑藥拜託要定時更換(暑假有看到很多蟑螂在廚房跑來跑去)

Please change the cockroach baits in kitchen for a period of time (there’s many Cockroach appear in kitchen at summer vacation)


  We’ll notice the cleaning women to change regularly


  The broadcast in dorm please have the English version (it’s only Chinese broadcast last year)  

A2. 沒問題 No problem


Could the dorm provide hot water for one hour in winter? The foreign students are in habit of taking shower in the morning

A3. 經國際學舍105學年度宿民大會討論並調查後,從105年11月28日起,熱水時段調整為:

1.     上午8:00~上午9:00

2.     下午4:00~凌晨01:00

After discussion by the resident meeting of international dorm in 2016 and investigation, the hot water supply will be adjusted from November 28, 2016.

The hot water supply:

1.     8:00a.m.~9:00 a.m.

2.     4:00p.m.~01:00a.m



  Could the dorm managers buy another refrigerator in kitchen? The space for food is never enough


You can have your private refrigerator in your room (only in international dorm has this special right), and keep some food in your private refrigerator


Somebody will pour their leftover in the tank of the water dispenser

A5. 我們也無法阻止這件事發生,但如果你看見某人在做這件事,請幫忙阻止

We cannot prevent this happen, but if you see somebody is try to pour the leftover, please stop him/her.


   The Energy bathroom (Room210) is very dirty for long time (maybe for the whole year??)


We’ll clean the Energy bathroom regularly, but please make it clean and take away the trash whenever you use


附錄 appendix

廚房櫥櫃使用&分配規則Standard for Cabinet Allotment in Kitchen


(1) 上個學期已經擁有使用櫥櫃資格者,可以繼續保持使用權

People already registered in previous semesters are automatically entitled for extension for their registration status.


(2) 剩下櫥櫃的分配,登記者經由個別面試取得使用權
Remaining cabinets will be allotted based on the number of applicants and their individual interviews based assessment.


(3) 申請者必須是經常使用廚房者(至少一周兩次)

The applicants should be regularly cooking (at least twice in a week).

(4) 櫥櫃是由個人為單位來分配,而不是團體,因此責任由個人負責

A cabinet is allotted in the name of an individual, not to a group of society, so it the responsibility of the concerned individual to obey the rules.


(5) 使用者有責任保持櫥櫃整潔

They abide by the rules of using cabinet with respect to hygiene and cleanliness.

(6) 雖然櫥櫃由個人為單位登記,但經由協調可以兩人共用,幹部不會介入協調

    A cabinet will be allotted in the name of a single person, but it can be shared among two individuals with a mutual consensus and we will not make intervention.

(7) 違規三次者,取消權利,櫥櫃由候補者使用

If any cabinet holders reported to violet the rules more than three times, they might be asked to vacate the cabinet for other users in waiting.