場地使用規定 Facility usage regulations
1. 住宿費:以月計算,未滿一個月以一個月計。中大十舍:6500元/月。住宿費用每學期會進行調整;網路使用:200元/月;寢具費用:900元/次。Accommodation fees are calculated on a monthly basis, with less than one month taken as one full month. Male: Single room fee NT$6500/month;Ethernet use:NT$200/month;Bedding Cost: NT$900/time.
2. 若借住人搬離宿舍時違反本辦法第九條規定者或未於規定期限內完成退宿手續者或退宿檢查未完成者,依「國立中央大學學生宿舍管理辦法」辦理,申請單位應依修繕及清潔成本費用一覽表支付相關費用。
According to National Central University Dormitory Management Regulations, if the borrower violates Article 9 of the regulations when moving out of the dormitory, or fails to complete the check-out procedure in the prescriptive time, or fails to complete the check-out inspection, the application unit has to pay the relevant fees by the repair and cleaning costs list. " for the applicant.
3. 其他費用:宿舍有提供冷氣設備,採使用者付費方式,需使用者請攜帶悠遊卡至電力儲值卡機購買冷氣卡。
Other fees: Air-conditioning facilities are also available at each dormitory room. Based on the user-charge principle, please buy your air-conditioner activation card with the easy-card at the power charging kiosk.
4. 中大十舍(Dorm #10)師長住宿採學生宿舍相同管理方式、相同的住宿金額,未提供客房清潔服務。住宿以月或年申請,住宿未滿一個月以月計費,住宿期間若有忘記帶房卡問題請至北區傳達室洽詢。
The accommodation has the same type of the administration and pricing, and no room cleaning services. Accommodation have to be applied by month or by year, with less than a month taken by a full month billing. During the accommodation period, if the short-term visiting scholar forgot to bring the key card, please ask the dormitory communication desk for help.
5. 如有特殊情況,得專案上簽核准,經本組組長及學務長同意。
If there are special circumstances, a special signature is required, with the approval of the group leader and the Dean of student affairs.