


National Central University Rules Governing the Management of Student

Dormitory Facilities

中華民國一四年五月廿九日學務會議通過 中華民國一七年三月廿三日學務會議修正通過 中華民國一八年六月廿一日學務會議修正通過 中華民國一八年十二月廿七日學務會議修正通過 中華民國一九年六月十二日學務會議修正通過


Passed by the meeting of Student Affairs Division on May 29, 2015 Passed by the meeting of Student Affairs Division on March 23, 2018 Passed by the meeting of Student Affairs Division on June 21, 2019 Passed by the meeting of Student Affairs Division on December 27, 2019 Passed by the meeting of Student Affairs Division on June 12, 2020

Passed by the meeting of Student Affairs Division on December 10, 2021

第一條 學務處住宿服務組(以下簡稱本組)為協助解決學生活動空間不足問題, 開放學生宿舍場地供校內單位及學生社團辦理學生活動之用,特訂定本


In order to solve the problem that the students have no sufficient activity space, Guidance and Counseling Section, Student Affairs Division(hereinafter “the section”) enacts the management rules (hereinafter “the rules”) so as to provide the facilities of the student dormitory for the departments, the students and the student groups of our university to conduct the activities.

第二條 本細則管理之場地,係指位於學生宿舍區內,由本組管理之女三舍韻律

舞室、女十四舍藝文空間、男九舍 3 樓多功能活動室與女十四舍 1 樓光.


The facilities recited in the rules mean the facilities inside the student dormitory area and outside the door control area of each dormitory, including Aerobics room of Female Dorm 3 and Arts room of Female Dorm 14 ,Multifunctional Activity room on 3F of Male Dorm 9 and Arts exhibition corner managed by the section (hereinafter “the facilities”).

第三條 本場地之使用,以宿舍導師及宿舍相關集會、活動優先,校內單位、學 生自治組織及課外活動組輔導之學生社團居次,不開放個人及校外團體

申請。本場地無人借用之時段,女三舍韻律舞室、男九舍 3 樓多功能活

動室、女十四舍 1 樓光.影展演區開放供該舍宿民使用;女十四舍藝文空 間開放作為交誼廳使用。

Regarding the use of the facilities, the dormitory teachers, relevant dormitory meetings and activities have top priority; the student self-management organizations and the student groups instructed by Extra-curricular Activities


Section have second priority; the facilities are not open for personals and off-


campus groups.


If the facilities are not in use, Aerobics room of Female Dorm 3,


Multifunctional Activity room on 3F of Male Dorm 9 and Arts exhibition


corner are open to the people living in the dormitory; Arts room of Female


Dorm 14 serves as the lounge.


場地開放使用時間:Service Hours






The services hours for Aerobics room of Female Dorm 3, Arts room



of Female Dorm 14 is from 8AM to 22PM every day.



男九舍 3 樓多功能活動室為每週二、週四上午十時至廿二時。



The services hours for Multifunctional Activity room on 3F of Male



Dorm 9 is 10AM to 22PM every Tuesday and Thursday.



女十四舍 1 樓光.影展演區為每週一、週三上午十時至廿一時。



The services hours for Arts exhibition corner is 10AM to 22PM



every Monday and Wednesday.









The service hours should be adjusted during summer and winter



vacation and special conditions; the adjusted services hours will be



announced at the webpage of the student dormitory service





借用程序:Reservation procedure:

一、 場地借用採線上申請方式,須以單位、學生自治組織或學生社 團名義指定申請人,至遲於活動日前三日登錄本組網頁申請並 上傳活動計畫或活動證明文件,經本組審核通過後始得使用場 地。

The reservation is based on on-line application; it is necessary to designate the applicant by a department, student self-management group or student group; please log in the webpage of the student dormitory service office of the section to make the application and upload the activity plan or activity certification document no later than 3 days before the activity; then, the applicant is allowed to use the facility after the application approved by the section.

二、 宿舍導師及宿舍相關之集會、活動得於集會或活動日前卅日申 請;

校內單位、學生自治組織及課外活動組輔導之學生社團得自活 動日前廿日起申請。

The meetings of the dormitory teachers, relevant dormitory meetings and activities are allowed to be applied within 30 days before the meetings or activities;

The activities of the departments of our university, student self- management organizations or student groups instructed by extra- curricular Activities Section are allowed to be applied within 20 days before the activities.

三、 女三舍韻律舞室與女十四舍藝文空間得申請連續借用,至多以


The Aerobics room of Female Dorm 3 and Arts room of Female Dorm 14 are available for consecutive reservation up to three days. For activities exceeds three days, the written application for particular case with activity plan enclosed is required.

四、 非課外活動組輔導之學生社團,如有借用本場地之必需,得自 活動日前十日起,至遲於活動日前三日,以書面檢附活動計畫


If a student group not instructed by Extra-curricular Activities Section needs to reserve the facilities, the applicant should provide the activity plan by written document for particular case application before 10 days of the activity and not later than 3 days before the activities.

五、 借用本場地內之影音設備須至本組以書面提出申請。

The reservation of the audio & video devices of the facilities should be made by applying to the student dormitory service office of the section by written document.

六、 經本組審核通過之申請案,如活動取消或日期、時間變更,申 請人須於活動日前三日登錄本組網頁撤銷或重新申請;專案申




Regarding the application approved by the section, if the activity is


cancelled or the date and time are changed, the applicant should log in


the webpage of the student dormitory service office of the section to


cancel the application or re-apply for the reservation in three days prior


to the activity date; the particular case application should be made by


written document.


場地使用規則:Facility usage regulations:


一、 借用本場地之單位及學生社團應指派專人負責安全及秩序維




The department or student group using the facilities should designate a

person to be responsible for safety and order; please keep all your own personal belongings in secured locations.

二、 使用場地前請至傳達室登記,並依活動成員身分換發識別證,

男九舍 3 樓多功能活動室、女十四舍 1 樓光.影展演區

位於門禁管制區內,使用前請至傳達室押證借用臨時門禁卡。 使用完畢須將場地整理復原,並請值班宿舍管理員檢查。

Please make the registration at the porter room before using the facilities and wear the badge according to the identity of the activity member. The Multifunctional Activity room on 3F of Male Dorm 9 and Arts exhibition corner are within the access control area, please deposit the certificate at porter room for temporary access card. The Please restore the facilities after use and ask porter on duty to check.

三、 本場地提供空調設備,如需使用請自備冷氣卡並向值班宿舍管 理員借遙控器。

The facilities provide the air conditioners; if you need to use the air conditions, please prepare the air conditioner car and borrow the remote controllers from the dormitory porter on duty.

四、 本場地各項設備及設施如因使用不當而致損壞,申請人應負損 害賠償責任,照價賠償。使用前已有瑕疵或損壞,應立即通知 值班宿舍管理員,如因疏於通知而繼續使用致損壞發生或擴大 者,仍須負損害賠償責任。

If any one of the devices and equipment of the facilities is damaged due to improper use, the applicant should compensate for the loss by paying the full price for anything damage. If any one of the devices and equipment of the facilities is damaged or defective, it is necessary to notify the dormitory porter of the above situations; if the applicant keeps using the damaged or defective device/equipment without prior notification, the applicant should be responsible for the compensation.

五、 使用本場地須遵守下列規範;未遵守者,本組得要求立即停止 使用。

Please observe the following regulations; the section should immediately require the violators to stop using the facilities.

() 現場實際活動須與本組審核通過之申請案相符。

The practical activity should conform to the application approved by the section.

() 隨時注意活動音量,勿影響宿舍安寧。

Please do not make too much noise anytime to provide a quite environment

for the dormitory.

() 禁止使用任何火源或電器煮食。

It is prohibited to use any fire sources or electric appliances for cooking.

() 禁止使用雙面膠帶、封箱膠帶、釘子、掛勾等易留痕跡之物品,且 不得破壞場地與其內之設備及設施。

It is prohibited to use double-sided tape, box tape, nail, suspender or other objects tending to influence the surfaces of the objects of the facilities so as to prevent form damaging the facilities.

() 不得有商業行為。

Business activities are prohibited

() 場地使用完畢須整理復原。

Please restore the facilities after use.

第七條 違反本細則第五條第六款及第六條第五款各目之單位或學生社團,自違 反之事實發生日起六個月內不得申請借用本場地。

The department or the student group violating any one of the items of Subsection 6 of Article 5and Subsection 5 of Article 6 will be prohibited to reserve the facilities within 6 months after the day when the violation actually occurs.

第八條 本細則如有未盡事宜,本組依相關規定或解釋辦理,並得隨時補充公告 之。

For matters not mentioned herein, the Division will manage in accordance with relevant regulations and may make supplementary announcement anytime.

第九條 本細則經學務會議通過後公布施行,修正時亦同。

The rules and the modification of the rules should be approved by the meeting of Student Affairs Division before coming into effect.

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