Temporary Access Cards (White Cards) to be Returned by March 31st
Subject: Temporary Access Cards (White Cards) to be Returned by March 31st
Reference: Guidelines for Access Card Usage in National Central University Dormitories
- The temporary access card function will be deactivated starting at 10:00 AM on March 19th (Wed.) The student ID card will be used for access control instead.
- Dormitory residents are required to return their temporary access cards (white cards) to the dormitory front desk by the following dates:
Dormitory Return | Location | Return Deadline |
Female Dorm 14 Male Dorm 5 | East District Front Desk | March 31st, 2025 |
Male Dorm 13、6、7 | South District Front Desk | March 31st, 2025 |
Hsi Wang | North District Front Desk | March 31st, 2025 |
3. A fee of 100 NTD will be charged for lost or late returns of temporary access cards (white cards) in accordance with regulations.
Student Housing Service Division